Fwd: SERESSA 2020 (15 years), Call for Posters, 16th International School on the Effects of Radiation on Embedded Systems for Space Applications

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José Lipovetzky

Oct 14, 2020, 3:03:07 PM10/14/20
to eamt...@googlegroups.com

16th International School on the Effects of Radiation on Embedded Systems for Space Applications
Virtual Edition from Porto Alegre, Brazil
December 1-4, 2020

SERESSA combines academic, government, and industrial communities working in the area of radiation effects on embedded systems. Radiation effects are a significant concern for space and avionics systems, as well as for critical applications operating at ground level such as automotive, high energy facilities, medical or even banking. The school is based on lectures and exercises involving real case studies using the common tools of the domain. The intended audience includes both beginning and experienced researchers, engineers, and post-graduate students wishing to enhance their knowledge base in this rapidly evolving field. Topics covered by SERESSA include: radiation environment, spacecraft anomalies, single-event effects (SEE), total dose effects (TID), radiation effects in power systems, radiation effects in solar cells, architecture hardening in analog, and digital circuits and in memories, software hardening, effects in FPGAs, hardness assurance, rate prediction, radiation testing, laser testing and remote testing experiments. 

First SERESSA was organised in 2005, in the middle of the Amazon Jungle, Manaus, Brazil. Then, it moved around the world, being organised in Seville, Buenos Aires, Palm Beach, Takasaki, São José dos Campos, Toulouse, Ansan, Moscow, Bariloche, Puebla, Montreal, Munich, Nordwick and Seville. Now, in 2020, celebration of 15 years of SERESSA, it will be a fully Virtual Edition, from Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Speakers already confirmed:

Effects of Radiation on Multijunction Solar Cells for Space Application 
José Ramón GONZÁLEZ, European Space Agency, The Netherlands 

Single Event Effects 
Stephen Buchner, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC, USA 

SEE effects on VLSI devices: challenges and solutions 
Luca Sterpone, Politecnico de Torino, Italy 

Circuit Level Design Methods to Mitigate Soft Errors 
Ricardo Reis, UFRGS, Brazil 
Alexandra Zimpeck, UCPel, Brazil 

SEE test methods 
Pavel Chubunov, URSC-ISDE, Russia 

Error-rate Prediction for Programmable Circuits: Methodology, Tools and Studied Cases 
Raoul Velazco, TIMA, France 

Accelerator radiation environment: modeling and monitoring tools and approaches 
Giuseppe Lerner, CERN, Switzerland 

Brazilian Facilities and Case-studiesMarcilei Guazzelli da Silveira, FEI, Brazil 
Marcilei Guazzelli da Silveira, FEI, Brazil 
Nilberto Heder Medina, USP, Brazil 
Odair Lelis Gonçalez, IEAv, CTA, Brazil 
Tiago Balen, UFRGS, Brazil 

Hardness Assurance 
Stephen Buchner, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC USA 

Assurance Guidelines for Next-Generation Exploration Systems 
Jonathan Pellish, NASA, USA 

Characterizing FPGA Failure Probabilities for Critical Space Systems 
Melanie Berg, Space R2 LLC, USA 

Radiation Test Requirements for Functional Safety Standards 
Sung Chung, QRT, South Korea  

COTS in Space: Qualified commercial components for space 
Jaime Estela, Spectrum Aerospace Technologies, Munich, Germany 

System Hardening and Real Space Applications 
Michel Pignol, CNES, France 

Enhanced Observation Framework for embedded systems exposed to radiations 
Fakhreddine GHAFFARI. ENSEA, CY Cergy Paris University, France 

Fault Injection and Formal Verification Methodologies 
LUIS ALFONSO ENTRENA ARRONTES, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid  

Ionizing radiation effects on CMOS image sensors 
José Lipovetzky, Argentina 

Analyzing the Reliability of Neural Networks in Programmable SoC Devices 
Fernanda Lima Kastensmidt, UFRGS , Brazil 

Analyzing data extracted from radiation tests in advanced SRAMs 
Juan A. Clemente, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain 

Radiation-Hardening-by-Design of CMOS Integrated Circuits. 
Yann Deval, IMS, Bordeaux, France 
Routing in Fault-Prone Delay-Tolerant Networks 
Juan A. Fraire, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina e Universität Des Saarlandes, Germany 

NanosatC-Br Program and Development of Radiation Hardened Integrated Circuits for Satellites Applications 
João Baptista Martins, UFSM, Brazil  
Nelson Schuch, INPE- SM, Brazil 

Radiation Effects and Mitigation Techniques in GPU 
Paolo Rech, UFRGS , Brazil 
José Rodrigo Azambuja, UFRGS , Brazil 


Important Dates

Posters Submission Deadline:  November 6th, 2020 

Acceptance Notification:  November 15th, 2020

Submission of Final Version: November 25th, 2020

Participants of SERESSA 2020 are invited to present their main line of research and recent results during the poster sessions. The scope of the session is to promote interaction among different groups and to stimulate possible collaborations among participants. 

Students attending to SERESSA 2020 are encouraged to participate in the Competition for the best 'Student Poster' presenting their recent studies. Participants that submitted a poster will be granted with a free registration. 

You can directly upload your abstract and poster in the ’Poster Submission' tab, choosing the proper modality.

Authors from both modalities (students-competition and general) will have the opportunity to present their contributions through a three-minute recorded talk + real time slot for Q&A.

More information at the event webpage.

Ricardo Reis
Full Professor
Instituto de Informática - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 - Campus do Vale
91501-970- Porto Alegre-Brazil

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