EAL mini-conference FREE June 23rd

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Cooper, Naomi

μη αναγνωσμένη,
7 Ιουν 2022, 10:47:52 π.μ.7/6/22
ως eal-bi...@googlegroups.com



Would it be possible to include the attached in the next eal-bilingual googlegroups com please?


Thanks so much,


Naomi Cooper


Naomi Cooper (she/her) MA(Ed) FHEA l Principal Lecturer l Head of Area - Undergraduate l Teacher Education l Sheffield Hallam University l Charles Street 12.5.04 l Charles Street l Sheffield S1 1WB l Tel: 0114 225 3273 l



From: eal-bi...@googlegroups.com <eal-bi...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: 06 June 2022 15:51
To: Digest recipients <eal-bi...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [EAL-Bilingual;9241] Digest for eal-bi...@googlegroups.com - 4 updates in 3 topics


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Anna Turnbull <annatu...@wirral.gov.uk>: Jun 06 06:05AM -0700

See query below for a Wirral school:
Hi Anna

I have just been approached with a question about Ukrainian students
wishing to join the Sixth Form. Two current Year 12 age students came to
our reception today and asked about coming to the school. They are staying
with one of our Year 7s whose family is hosting them.

We have a number of questions. These students would not be able to join
Year 13 in September as they have missed a whole year of the courses and do
not speak English. There is normally also a criteria of GCSEs they need to
have to take certain subjects. If they join Year 12 in September rather
than Year 13 they would then become over school age for Year 13. Not
understanding English would obviously also be a huge barrier to them
accessing the A Level curriculum.

Is there any guidance or information about this? Have Ukrainian students
been joining other Sixth Forms on Wirral? What are they studying?

Dominic Brassington <dominicbr...@gmail.com>: Jun 06 03:10PM +0100

Post-16 students have three years of free education, at that age with zero
or low levels of English they would be best going to college and doing ESOL
with the aim of progressing onto an English medium course. At the moment it
sounds like they would not be able to access any other courses.
If they speak Russian then a GCSE and an A Level in Russian is also an
option, but there is content in English, more so at GCSE level.
On Mon, 6 Jun 2022 at 14:05, 'Anna Turnbull' via EAL-Bilingual <

"Thomas, Karen (EMAS)" <Karen....@portsmouthcc.gov.uk>: Jun 06 02:10PM

Hello everyone,
Just a quick message to let you know that on Tuesday 14th June we are pleased to be hosting the Berkshire and Hampshire NALDIC Regional Interest Group's summer session on Zoom, from 3:30 - 4:45. Everyone is welcome - whether you are in Hampshire and Berkshire or anywhere else for that matter!
The session will be led by our guest speaker, Declan O’Driscoll, the Education Policy and Campaigns Officer of the national Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) organisation ‘The Traveller Movement’ https://travellermovement.org.uk/
Declan will be talking about various aspects of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller culture and GRT History Month – which I'm sure you all know takes place in June – with a focus on GRT in the curriculum outside of the ‘month’; some possible barriers between schools and GRT families and, importantly, what schools can do to proactively reach out to engage and support GRT pupils and their families. He’ll also be sharing how schools and LAs can work more closely with the Traveller Movement on some exciting new initiatives.
There will also be time for questions and an opportunity to share good practice.
Anyone is welcome to attend, so please do share widely with your colleagues and networks and ask them to fill out the following form: https://forms.gle/KGAqnseEWGMRh3z39 If you have not already filled out this form yourself, please do. The data we collect about you is protected under GDPR guidelines.
Register in advance for this meeting:
Please do not just forward the Zoom invite to colleagues as they will receive an email to register once they have signed up to the mailing list.
We look forward to 'seeing' many of you on the 14th June for what promises to be a really interesting and informative session.
Kind regards
Karen Thomas
Portsmouth EMAS Manager and Berkshire Hampshire RIG Co-convenor
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Astrid Dinneen <astri...@yahoo.fr>: Jun 06 06:22AM -0700

*By Hampshire EMTAS Bilingual Assistant Eva Molea*
In Diary of an EAL Mum, Eva Molea shares the ups and downs of her
experience bringing up her daughter, Alice, in the UK. In this instalment,
Eva tries to understand ability grouping in secondary school settings.
EMTASMoodle: Astrid Dinneen: Diary of an EAL Mum – Chapter 9: The strange
twosome (hants.gov.uk)

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Flyer - Sheffield EAL Mini-Conference - Thursday 23rd June 2022 4.30-6.30pm v2.pdf
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