Our school exams officer sent me this today regarding an access arrangement update for EAL learners:
Can a learner who has English as a second language have a reader on account of his difficulties with the English language? Prior to the 2024/25 academic year, the answer was no. However, this has now changed, it is possible to provide a computer reader
or reader for a candidate with EAL on account of difficulties with reading in English. Form 9 is used to record the evidence for a candidate with EAL to use a computer reader/reader. Approval must be gained through an AAO application.
The school is enquiring whether this will apply to GCSE English exams too - but I just wondered if anyone else is planning to use readers for their students? My concern is that taking in large amounts of verbal information can be overwhelming and difficult
to follow. Does anyone have experience of using readers with EAL learners?