Request for feedback - EaaSI Training Modules

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Ethan Gates

Aug 10, 2020, 3:13:47 PM8/10/20
to EaaSI Tech Talk
Good afternoon everyone,

As I mentioned in last week's monthly EaaSI Network node call, one of our plans for the next two years is to create a series of EaaSI "Training Modules" that elaborate and engage on key EaaSI technical concepts.

The goal is for these Modules to *supplement* the User Handbook. Though they will use (possibly various) EaaSI releases and demos to illustrate functionality, the goal is less to provide step-by-step explanations of how to use the platform (which may vary from one release to the next, especially as UI development proceeds) and more to dig into higher-concept design choices - the better for EaaSI users of all stripes to understand and participate in future development.

The idea is currently that Training Modules will be released on EaaSI's section of the SPN site every quarter (so, eight over the course of the next two years), and while Jessica and I are still nailing down the particulars, they will likely contain a combination of:
  • a presentation/slidedeck containing visuals and demo videos that illustrate the topic, why they're important to EaaSI, and examples of the concept "in action"
  • some questions for reflection or discussion (to help make the modules potentially (re)usable in classroom/workshop/webinar environments)
  • further links/resources to explore that concept
To help keep the workload manageable I am drafting out the entire "curriculum" for all eight modules now, based largely on conversations from this list and/or Office Hours and/or common support questions. I wanted to open up this draft to you all as soon as possible for any comments or feedback you might have - any questions you would like to see answered, sticking points that you have found difficult to talk through with your colleagues or testers, use cases or examples that you have found useful up to this point - any or all of it would be extremely helpful!

Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions in the Google Doc, or just drop any thoughts you have in this thread. Thanks!!!

- Ethan

Cynde Moya

Aug 10, 2020, 7:05:01 PM8/10/20
to EaaSI Tech Talk
Hi Ethan

I am curious about how to put a new environment into EaaSI. There are presets for Windows, and you address the ROM issue with Apple/Macintosh. What about an Amiga emulator like FS-UAE? Amiga too has ROM to manage. How about game console emulators like mGBA, Mesen, Mednafen, etc? 

Rather than step-by-step instructions (although that would help!), I'm looking for the conceptual framework that will help me visualize how less-common computer systems and their operating systems will be brought into EaaSI. It would probably fit into your Apple module.

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