Friday Four: Four Tips to Make Bringing Your Vision to Life More Enjoyable

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Riza Calipayan

Apr 17, 2008, 9:07:08 AM4/17/08

Building your career doesn't have to be painstakingly dull. The happiest people make bringing their vision to life much more enjoyable by employing a variety of strategies to make career building a heck of a lot more fun.

1. Work with people whose company you enjoy. Several studies have shown that career building goals and a Christian personal vision plan work so much more effectively when they are developed and brought to fruition by like-minded people who genuinely enjoy each other's company. So, if your career building objectives revolve around, say, doing something revolutionary in the field of toy-making, it certainly makes more sense to work with someone who enjoys making, designing, or working with toys.

2. Treat yourself to rewards every so often. The career building mentality has always been, push-push-push. What most people don't realize when it comes to bringing one's vision in life to reality, is that there really should be some rewards structure for milestones reached.
Whatever rocks your boat, as long as it is reasonable, shouldn't be denied you; after all, no one ever said bringing your vision to life had to happen at the expense of your happiness... or sanity.

3. Give yourself a break. How different are breaks from rewards? Immensely! While rewards are great motivational tools for the career building visionary, breaks offer you the opportunity to recharge, to step away from all the career building, and to examine your vision in life from a fresh perspective. It also makes getting back to work a lot more motivating.

4. Revel in the bloopers. People - even career building ones - make mistakes. If you do, don't get bogged down by the hiccup. Instead, use it as motivation to tweak the process to prevent future slip-ups. Rome wasn't built in a day, and a fire certainly won't burn it down in a day. Okay, maybe it will, but you know God is a God of second chances.

My book, Bring Your Vision to Life, contains a lot of information on how to really get the most out of your vision-building, as well as some ideas on how it can be more enjoyable. Click here for more information.

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