Two different responses within the same object

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Mar 31, 2010, 4:02:32 AM3/31/10
to E-Prime

I have posted here on a very similar issue about one week ago, no one
answered it then :)
but I hope that now, when my question is much more focused I will get
some assistance

So, it goes like that- in my experiment subjects response vocally to
the stimulus. As it may be that in part of the trials their voice will
not cross the minimum voice-magnitude threshold to be considered as
response (and lowering the threshold is of course not an ideal or full
solution) I also ask participants to press the left click of the mouse
while giving their vocal response.

Thats mean that I need two RTs to be recorded from the same object
(stimulus slide) and that if voice response was given first then only
mouse input will be considered as second response and vice versa.

So, it means that if their is mouse/voice response then the voice/
mouse input is now being deactivated. That the first RT is being
immediately stored in new attribute (named first RT)-that the name of
the device which is connected with this first RT is also inserted to
different attribute. And that the slide now record new RT from the
device that didn't response yet (and that RT is being added to the
first RT to have the real time for the second RT).

The all issue is that E-prime help is pretty bad written so it's hard
to understand or find what command responsable to what. The online
samples (multiple response and etc)just don't seem to provide soultion
to the experiment I described here. So, any help would be appreciated.

David McFarlane

Mar 31, 2010, 10:23:37 AM3/31/10
OK, I understand you a little better this time, so I will try a brief
response. Basically, just before your Slide, you also add a Wait object
with Duration = 0. Have your Wait object get one response, and your
Slide get the other. For the purpose of discussion, let's assign the
voice key to the Wait object and the mouse to the Slide object, allow 2
sec for either response, and keep the stimulus Slide up for 2 sec even
with a response. Then your structure might look something like

- StimWait: Duration = 0, Input Mask = SRBox, Time Limit = 2000, End
Action = (none)
- StimSlide: Duration = 2000, Input Mask = Mouse, Time Limit = 2000,
End Action = (none)

Things get a little trickier if you want either of the responses to
terminate the stimulus, but I will leave that as an exercise.

In general, you can do all sorts of interesting things in E-Prime by
using short Durations, long PreReleases, and long Time Limits ("extended
input") to overlap objects, on top of using multiple input masks within
single objects. Now if only the E-Prime documentation would actually
help us here instead of hinder us.

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

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