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Stop showing a specific Condition once # of Correct Answers reached?

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Ezra Wingard

Mar 13, 2024, 2:53:45 PM3/13/24
to E-Prime
Hi everyone,

I am currently fixing up an experiment. I have specific sections to provide context and the more detailed problem and questions below, but here is the General Problem to solve:

1. How can I stop showing a specific condition once the participant has 32 total correct answers for that SPECIFIC condition? AND
2. Is there any way to check for the total number of correct answers per condition in the middle of the Block / Trial - Exiting the experiment if that threshold is reached?

Context & Setup:
As it stands right now, there are 6 TOTAL Blocks, with 32 conditions shown in each Block.
If participants get a total of 128 answers correct, they can leave the experiment early.
If the total number of correct answers is less than 128, they will need to continue to the next Block until they reach that amount. Otherwise, the experiment will automatically end after Block 6.

TrialList = 32 samples per trial
Total Correct Needed = 128
-- 32 correct answers in each condition would meet that 128 answer threshold after 4 Blocks (earliest 'Leave Early' checkpoint)

I currently have counters setup for each condition (1, 2, 3, 4) and a counter that measures TOTAL number of correct answers across all conditions.

The Problem:
-- In Block 5 and Block 6, I need to check in the MIDDLE of the Block if they have reached the 128 answer threshold. If not, continue to the end of the Block to check like normal.

--Additionally, I want to make it so that for each Condition (Cond1-4) they have to get 32 answers correct per each. Once they reach 32 correct for EACH condition, they will not show that specific condition anymore (If Cond1 has 32 correct, don't show Cond1 anymore - only show Cond2, 3, 4 if the total # correct for those is also under 32).

Troubleshooting I have tried:
---Middle of Block Checking
- Setting up a 'Checkpoint' inline script so that when iterating through the TrialList, once at the HalfwayCheck, determine # of correct answers. If # of Correct answers = 128, terminate the BlockList and end the experiment early.
--> This resulted in a lot of crashing and the implementation that I tried just didn't work.

---Not Showing Condition Once Threshold Met
- My initial thoughts and implementations have been targeting the weights of the List. If Cond1 # Correct = 32, Then SetWeight to 0.
-- The problems I am having with this specifically may stem from a lack of understanding of the List.SetWeight command. I need to set it up specifically so that only the SPECIFIC Condition will not be shown as thresholds are met. Once all conditions have 32 correct answers, then end the experiment early. I am not sure how to use TrialList.SetWeight to specifically target each Condition as the needs are fulfilled.

Setting the weights of that Condition in a List was my initial thought process, but I would love to hear of alternative ways to do this if possible. Please let me know if I need to explain anything here further, but I would love to hear any ideas on how to troubleshoot this further.

McFarlane, David

Mar 18, 2024, 2:16:42 PM3/18/24
The "Criterion-based Exit" example that you may download from the PST Support website might give you some ideas.

-- David McFarlane

On 2024-03-13 Wed 2:53 PM, Ezra Wingard wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am currently fixing up an experiment. I have specific sections to provide context and the more detailed problem and questions below, but here is the General Problem to solve:
> 1. How can I stop showing a specific condition once the participant has 32 total correct answers for that SPECIFIC condition? AND
> 2. Is there any way to check for the total number of correct answers per condition in the middle of the Block / Trial - Exiting the experiment if that threshold is reached?
> *_Context & Setup:_*
> As it stands right now, there are 6 TOTAL Blocks, with 32 conditions shown in each Block.
> If participants get a total of 128 answers correct, they can leave the experiment early.
> If the total number of correct answers is less than 128, they will need to continue to the next Block until they reach that amount. Otherwise, the experiment will automatically end after Block 6.
> TrialList = 32 samples per trial
> Total Correct Needed = 128
> -- 32 correct answers in each condition would meet that 128 answer threshold /after 4 Blocks/ (earliest 'Leave Early' checkpoint)
> I currently have counters setup for each condition (1, 2, 3, 4) and a counter that measures TOTAL number of correct answers across all conditions.
> *_The Problem:_*
> -- In Block 5 and Block 6, I need to check in the MIDDLE of the Block if they have reached the 128 answer threshold. If not, continue to the end of the Block to check like normal.
> --Additionally, I want to make it so that for each Condition (Cond1-4) they have to get 32 answers correct per each. Once they reach 32 correct for EACH condition, they will not show that specific condition anymore (If Cond1 has 32 correct, don't show Cond1 anymore - only show Cond2, 3, 4 if the total # correct for those is also under 32).
> _*
> *_
> _*Troubleshooting I have tried:*_
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