In that case, I think that PositiveImageList, etc., should be nested within PositiveTrialList.
In fact, if, say, PositiveImageList and NegativeImageList both contain a column for PImage, and a row in Lists nests both PositiveImageList & NegativeImageList, I don't know what would happen; in any case that would be confusing.
I note also that Image1, Image, ..., all refer to [Pimage], which means that they will all have the same value. Is that what you intend?
Finally, a bit of general advice that I often give: Build up your experiment bit by bit in small pieces, testing it each step along the way. In fact I often build different pieces in different small experiment programs first in order to get each piece working independently, then I combine these pieces to get the full experiment to work.
BTW, thanks for generally following some good naming conventions for your objects.
-- David McFarlane
From: <> on behalf of Nicole Zabik <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2024 5:45 PM
To: E-Prime
Subject: Nested Image List Errors
Hi all!
Long-time lurker, first time poster. I am attempting to have fun with nested lists, and it isn't that fun.
The Issue: EPrime-3 does not recognize when I call on my nested image lists. Throws me an error saying it "cannot resolve [Image] in the context".
The experiment: participants either choose to see a series of negative or positive images (5 images displayed after a response to a cue).
The nested image lists: I have PRE-randomized 100 positive and negative images to be chosen in that order, so that theoretically each participant sees a variety of images regardless of their response in the last trial(s).
Overall experiment set-up (see also "fullexp.png):
CueList (list of cues used)
PositiveImageList (pre-randomized positive images)
NegativeImageList (pre-randomized negative images)
BlankImageList (one blank image that trials can cycle through)
>>>PositiveProc (all procs set up this way)
PositiveTrialList (positivetrial.png)
PositiveTrialProc (triallist.png)
* Other experiments run correctly on the computer/in Eprime.
* I have tried using [PImage] and [Image1] to call on column attributes and I get the same error.
* I have tried <[PImage]> and <[Image1]> for feedback displays and it still throws an error.
* I have tried placing ImageLists inside MainProc, and still get an error (attached full experiment as fullexp.png)
* I have c.setattrib for my cues but am wondering if that would work to call on the nested lists. (c.SetAttrib "Negative", "negativecue.bmp")