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Showing 3D pictures through Eprime3

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Harold Mouras

Apr 24, 2024, 5:21:09 AM4/24/24
to E-Prime
Dear all, 
we are using Eprime 3 in all our experiments since a while.
In a new experiment, we would like to use eprime to show 3D pics to participants as we classically did in previous experiments, also considering all the triggers question with TaskEvents and so on.
I understood that Eprime has not yet the possibility to manage 3D stimuli (which are basically .mp4 films that have to be depicted by softwares such as Insta360 player). 
Did you already heard something about the possible use of Eprime for such a 3D pics presentation. I have read some discussion about the possibility to interface Eprime with the good 3D presentation software ? Is that possible and what does it produce in terme of time latency ? 
Thank you so much in advance for your advices, 
Best regards, 
Harold Mouras

Michiel Spape

Apr 24, 2024, 5:34:46 AM4/24/24

Hi Harold,

First, you’ll want to define what exactly you mean with 3D pictures (pictures are by their nature not 3D). Do you mean, stereoscopic presentation of images? This is of course reasonably easy to achieve with showing two pictures at slightly different angle and making sure the participants’ eyes each only see one. Do you mean, showing 3D movies? Well, same, but a bit harder to achieve. Do you mean VR? That cannot be done, except of course some weird integration such as mentioned below, although I have never seen this in actual execution. Mind, though, that in VR it is hard to know the timing accuracy because the things tend to operate on the basis of ‘as fast as possible’.



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