changing/customizing mouse cursor appearance

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May 18, 2011, 10:48:43 AM5/18/11
to E-Prime
Hi all,

I am trying to figure out how to change the appearance of the mouse
cursor in E-Prime. In the E-Basic help, the MouseDevice.Cursor topic
lists the standard cursors available in E-Prime (you can change the
cursor using inline "Mouse.Cursor = (1-13)"). However, the options are
quite limited.

I want to set my own image as the cursor (in my case, a small white
circle). Does anyone know of a way to set a small .bmp or .jpg file
to appear as the cursor? Thank you


Michiel Spape

May 18, 2011, 11:46:40 AM5/18/11
1) You might just be able to change your cursor settings in windows (download and find), I'd be surprised if E-Prime actually copied these.
2) You can hide the cursor and insert a BMP over it. For example, if you have a procedure:

1. Label1
2. Slide with bmp of your face, positioned at X: [Xpos], Y: [Ypos], duration 10 ms with vsync on.
3. Inline:
Dim x1 as integer, y1 as integer
Mouse.GetCursorPos x1, y1
c.SetAttrib "Xpos", x1
c.SetAttrib "Ypos", y1
goto Label1

Should work.

Michiel Spapé
Research Fellow
Perception & Action group
University of Nottingham
School of Psychology

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Mar 10, 2014, 8:45:21 AM3/10/14
with Windows 7:-

  1. Control Panel
  2. Mouse
  3. Pointers tab
  4. choose one of the Windows default cursor images or click 'Browse' and navigate to your own .cur file

.cur files can be static or animated

you can make your own in MS Paint - set the image size to 32x32 - (set the zoom so you can see what you're doing) - create away and then do file save/as and set the file tag to be .cur (or .ani if making an animated cursor)

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