Triggers timing Eprime

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Davide Baldo

Jul 18, 2019, 12:32:58 PM7/18/19
to E-Prime
Hi all,

I designed an experiment where I am presenting videos and recording EEG (biosemi).
Some info:
  • I am presenting videos (640x360, 30FPS, MP4) with E-prime, and each video lasts 30 seconds.
  • I am sending a trigger at the beginning of the video via the serial port to Biosemi EEG (event task = onset time).
  • And another trigger at the end of the video (finish time).


I was analyzing the triggers recorded in Biosemi, and I noticed that for a 30 seconds video if I compute the video stimulus by comparing when the first trigger was sent (video beginning) and when the second trigger was sent (video end) I get a length 29.5 seconds. 

There is an unusual half a second difference: Could it be that Eprime is presenting a 30 seconds video in 29.5 seconds (maybe skipping frames or something)?

I will double-check with a photo-diode but I was wondering if anybody had experienced something similar or if I'm doing something wrong with my triggers in Eprime.

Hope you can help,



McFarlane, David

Jul 23, 2019, 5:33:20 PM7/23/19

What mechanism do you use for outputting your triggers (Task Events,
Onset/OffsetSignal, inline code, etc.)?

What does your trial Procedure look like?

What PreRelease do you use on the object that presents the movie?

-- David McFarlane

On 2019-07-18 12:32 PM, Davide Baldo wrote:
> Hi all,
> I designed an experiment where I am presenting videos and recording EEG
> (biosemi).
> Some info:
> - I am presenting videos (640x360, 30FPS, MP4) with E-prime, and each
> video lasts 30 seconds.
> - I am sending a trigger at the beginning of the video via the serial
> port to Biosemi EEG (event task = onset time).
> - And another trigger at the end of the video (finish time).

Mbarka Akounach

Apr 8, 2024, 5:36:00 AMApr 8
to E-Prime
for the first time I'm trying to send triggers from E-Prime to Biosemi. My paradigm is similar to yours;Capture d'écran 2024-04-08 110926.png

Thank you 

Mbarka Akounach

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