eprime timing issues and wierd time log

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Jun 24, 2014, 10:20:32 AM6/24/14
to e-p...@googlegroups.com
Dear all,
Recently I find there is a strange thing about eprime. I am engaged in an fMRI experiment. So there is a strict timing demand and I wrote several lines of codes to make it possible in the scanner that subjects use two keys to move the cursor in the screen to do rating from 1-9.
The very obvious problem is that when I run the codes, some presentation before the 1-9 ratings has got something like time ceiling. the rating time is always fixed as I assigned in the codes,but sometimes, the fixation time after the rating is shorten to 0, or sometimes the picture showing time after the fixation also flash more quickly than I expected while another fixation after the picture is still shown as I hoped. It's  totally out of my mind. pictures didn't show up for the time I demand in the duration menu.
I think this may have something to do wt my rating part. So I'd better to write out how I realize this part:
Another guy give me this idea to make the rating 1-9 shown for 0s and afterwards every time I press the button I set up in the rating slide to left or right move the cursor, the eprime would catch the response and check which btton is pressed and make a decision whether the cursor move left or right and how long it would move. then after the axis is determined, I would draw the rating slide. and I have a cycle to control the time by datediff functon to check the start and the end of the cycle is about 5s apart.
I hope I make myself clear.
Any idea would be appreciated and hope someone can help me.
My best,

Paul Groot

Jun 24, 2014, 6:09:26 PM6/24/14
to e-p...@googlegroups.com
Hi Sally,

Does your inline code use some kind of loop that takes a relative long time to finish? In that case EPrime probably tries to compensate for the 'lost' time when executing the next object. 


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Jun 24, 2014, 8:01:36 PM6/24/14
to e-p...@googlegroups.com
Hi,Paul, yes, I used a loop to make sure the rating lasted for 5s . And I tried to change the following fixation mode to event then the time of the fixation is ok then. But do you have any better idea about this situation? 
Thanks for your nice reply.


发自我的 iPhone

Paul Groot

Jun 25, 2014, 3:51:27 AM6/25/14
to e-p...@googlegroups.com
Hi Sally,

You could solve this by setting the duration of the object before the inline to the required value (5 sec), and set pre-release to 'same as duration'. This will make sure that the inline is executed a.s.a.p. and that the next object is scheduled to start after 5 seconds. However, this would not work if the time taken by the inline is variable. In that case you might try using the CustomOnset/OffsetTime properties and set the timing mode to custom (of the object after the inline ). 



Jun 25, 2014, 6:18:44 AM6/25/14
to e-p...@googlegroups.com
Hi,Paul. So you mean if I want the fixation after the 5s rating to be presented as long as I defined, I should set the duration before the rating and prerelease to same as duration.
Besides, my rating slice time is fixed to 5s, so I suppose this would work. 
I just tried following: I originally set the fixation as accumulative mode which is required in fMRI and I changed this to event mode which make the fixation last as long as I want. How do you think about this?
By the way, I usually add an attribution in list which tells the fixation duration, but now I defined the duration in fixation property file using[time1] which time1 is the property name in list. Are these two ways the same? Sometimes I find I can't trust the codes in eprime very much. Which would you suggest?

Thanks a lot for your kind reply.
My best,
发自我的 iPhone

Paul Groot

Jun 25, 2014, 9:10:04 AM6/25/14
to e-p...@googlegroups.com
Well, just to make sure we are talking about the same thing: I assumed you have the following consecutive objects on the trial procedure:

Inline (with long processing loop)

You can keep the configuration of the Fixation object as required. I.e., just specify the duration using the bracketed attribute name ([time1]). Pre-release can be set to default ('same as duration'). The rating Slide should have duration of 5 seconds and pre-release set to 'same as duration'. So, assuming that the allowed response time for the rating is 5 seconds, this should be OK and there is no need to use CustomOnsetTime and cousins. 

The timing mode can be set to event or cumulative. I'm always a bit in doubt if fMRI tasks are synchronized using cumulative timing. For event related designs it's probably not required, unless you would like to make sure that an EPI is made at a very specific point in the BOLD response. In most cases it's sufficient to use the (relative) onset times of the edat files in the fMRI analysis. For block designs you could consider re-synchronization at the start of each block using the trigger signal of the scanner. Although I prefer to use a small piece of script at the end of a block instead, to make sure that any errors are compensated for. But there is no harm done when the cumulative mode is used, as long as you make sure to check the timed log results.



Jun 25, 2014, 9:19:11 AM6/25/14
to e-p...@googlegroups.com
Ok,Paul. Thanks a lot for your fast reply. I would update after I do what you suggested. It's nice to have you here in this group.

My best,


发自我的 iPhone


Jun 25, 2014, 10:51:02 AM6/25/14
to e-p...@googlegroups.com
Hi, Paul.

I just tried what you said but it didn't work as we expected. First of all, I would like make you informed that the rating slide duration is set to zero and I use inline scripts to control the whole presentation to be 5 seconds, each time there is a keyboard response, I would draw the rating slice,making it seems its duration is 5 seconds.

Then here is how I revised as you told me: first fixation prerelease set to be the same as it's duration, since my eprime version didn't have this option, I use the bracketed attribution. Second, I set the rating prerelease to be zero or 5 seconds. 
But all turned to be a failure in that the fixation time is shorten.

So I don't know how to revise it.

Hope you can give me some guidance. 
Thanks a lot.
Best regards,


发自我的 iPhone

gorgeous yayuan geng

Jun 25, 2014, 10:37:25 PM6/25/14
to e-p...@googlegroups.com
Hi, Paul.

I have tried again and find that once I set the fixation mode to event the program went smoothly as I expected  and its duration I defined would not be shortened. I am a little confused about this part. Do you have an idea?

My best,


Paul Groot

Jun 30, 2014, 4:39:37 AM6/30/14
to e-p...@googlegroups.com
Hi Sally,

Once you set the timing mode to cumulative, E-Prime will try to 'fix' any delays by modifying onsets and durations on the fly. So, that explains why the timing issue disappears when you change the timing mode to something else. However, be aware that the actual 'problem' is caused by a long execution time of the inline. You will still have large OnsetDelay values for the fixation of about 5 seconds.  As I indicated before, you can solve this by setting the duration of the slider to the full 5 seconds and execute the inline during this period by setting the pre-release also to 5 seconds. This will 'reserve' about 5 seconds of execution time for the inline without any timing issues. (But again, if the response window has a variabe duration, you should use the custom timing mode.)

The atached two EP (version 1) scripts will demonstrate this for event and cumulative mode. The scripts can also be loaded in EP version 2. A typical debug output is as follows:

Slide1.OnsetTime: 6374
Start inline time : 6375
current inline time : 7376
current inline time : 8377
current inline time : 9377
current inline time : 10378
Exit inline time : 10380
Fixation.OnsetTime: 11373
Fixation.OnsetDelay: -1
Fixation.OffsetTime: 12373




Jun 30, 2014, 6:06:01 AM6/30/14
to e-p...@googlegroups.com
Hi, Paul. Thanks a lot. And I would try what you suggested and see what's going on. Thanks again for your kind help.
Best regards,


发自我的 iPhone

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