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Beginner questions (any help appreciated)

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Noémie Gourde-Cabot

Aug 22, 2024, 1:32:33 PM8/22/24
to E-Prime
Hello everyone! Its my first time using E-Prime and I would appreciate any help.
My experiment : testing the initial perception when viewing two images side to side 192 times with different images chosen by me each time. The participant clicks a key on the keyboard to indicate which image they perceived first. My questions : 1. How can I make new (chosen) images appear 192 times ? 2. How can I receive the key answers and timing of the participants for each try? Thank you so much

Michiel Spape

Aug 22, 2024, 2:32:55 PM8/22/24

Hi Noemi,

First, you have to make clear what you mean. I assume you study psychology, so what do you mean with ‘perception’? Is it which image someone identified first, or looked at? Are the images appearing exactly at the same time or are you doing a subjective simultaneity task? Or do you want to know which image they first focussed on? (in which case eye-tracking should be included).

Then regarding your questions:

  1. What do you mean, appear 192 times? You include 192 trials and have two attributes (left image, right image). Perhaps you could have a BlockList in your experiment with 1 nested list, myImages, and one block (BlockProc). The nested list will have 1 attribute: Images. Put all 384 images in there. Make it randomize only once. Add a triallist in BlockProc with 192 trials (TrialProc). Add two attributes: leftimage, rightimage. In leftimage, put:





And in rightimage put






In TrialProc, add one SlideDisplay (Stimulus) with two SlideImages. Put them left and right. Let the left one show [leftimage] and the right one [rightimage].


  1. In SlideDisplay, make the response a keyboard with qp as answers (left and right responses). Turn logging on, and make sure the .rt and .resp is saved.





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