.gif /.avi and .jpg stimulus

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Maria Eugenia De Lahoz Naveiro

Apr 9, 2024, 11:34:27 AMApr 9
to E-Prime

I'm conducting a design for an experiment with static images, in motion, and with videos.

The first question is regarding the use of animated GIF format in E-Prime 2. Is it possible, or should .avi be used instead?

The other question, related to the previous one, is whether it's possible to use two types of stimuli with different formats (.jpg or animated .gif or .avi) configured in the same TrialProc object (ImageDisplay) from an attribute set in a list where I specify if it's .gif or .jpg. If it's not possible, how could I ensure that sometimes a .jpg is displayed and other times a .gif, considering both formats are available?


McFarlane, David

Apr 9, 2024, 12:10:18 PMApr 9
to e-p...@googlegroups.com

First question: In over 20 years of using E-Prime I have never heard of anyone using an animated .gif, and I think that you are the first to ask here. If I had an animated .gif file handy I would try it and see what happens. You could also ask PST Support directly (and then write back here to let us know their answer!).

Second question: Yes, E-Prime will happily use a mix of image file formats within a Procedure, or during different iterations of the same Procedure. You will of course need to supply the full file name, including extension (e.g., .jpg, .gif), each time.

-- David McFarlane
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