Hi everyone,
We are conducting a study about TMS and we have some difficulties connecting it to e-prime.
We would like to send TMS pulses during a semantic task (using e-prime 3) at specific time points after and before the stimuli.
We bought a Chronos device and a Magstim EGI EEG adaptor (we have a Magstim BiStim² TMS machine). We connected the Magtim to Chronos with a BNC cable and Chronos to the e-prime computer using a USB cable.
On the e-prime script, we changed Chronos parameters to open the DO 0 and 9 (we also tried DO9 alone). We have set a task event to my stimuli (OnsetTime) to send my trigger (DigitalOutWriteInteger / Long).
My TMS machine is on E-mode for exterior signal (Independent Bistim Mode).
I guess I am doing something wrong here but I cannot find what...
Does someone here have any solution or advice to give me?
Thank you very much for reading me,
Best regards,