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Slider Not Visible

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Sep 27, 2024, 12:52:47 PM9/27/24
to E-Prime
Hi all,
Encountered a display issue that has me utterly stumped. I have an MRI task built that includes slide objects with a 0-10 vertical slider. It displays perfectly fine on my desktop.

When we run it on my staff computers, the remainder of the task works fine but the slider itself is invisible (other objects on the same slide are not). I know in 2.0 this could happen if the resolution was wrong, but we are in 3.03.80 and regardless, I have it set to match the laptop resolution. Visible property is obviously set to true. And again, it works fine on some computers and not others. Its almost like the slider graphic is not installed for some computers, but I don't think that is possible?

Any suggestions - even if just for other things to test -  would be appreciated. I tried making sure the slider was "in front" of other objects (it is), I've tried connecting the laptops to monitors (still doesn't show), I've tried adjusting the display resolutions and/or matching desktop resolution (doesn't do anything).

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