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How define the onset of different stimulus according to the area of clicking on an image

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Julie Len

May 5, 2024, 1:29:25 PM5/5/24
to E-Prime
Hello everyone,

thank you very much in advance for your help !

I've succeed to programme a task that allows determining which area of an image the participant clicked on (the displayed image being divided into four quadrants). The E-Prime support website page called "response areas for mouse input" was very useful for this purpose. So, I can collect which area is selected by the participant.

Now, I'm looking to find out how to make a specific stimulus appear on the screen depending on the selected area. 
In this experiment, there are four possible click zones, so four images will appear accordingly (a click triggering the movement of an avatar to the respective zone).

An example of one trial : 
Display of a cross of fixation during 500ms --> Display of an image of an environment until the response --> The participant click with the pad on the up left quadrant --> That triggers immediately the display of an image with the avatar on the up left quadrant of the environment--> This stimulus stay during 2000ms on the screen --> Follow by a white screen during 2000ms.

The four possible areas are : 
- up left quadrant
- up right quadrant
- down left quadrant
- down right quadrant

Thank you so much for your help !!


Julie Len

May 5, 2024, 1:36:40 PM5/5/24
to E-Prime
"I specify that it's a free choice. Indeed, the participant can freely select any of the four zones on the screen.

McFarlane, David

Jun 3, 2024, 3:42:03 PM6/3/24

If I understand correctly, you have a Slide and all the information about where you want a new image to appear, now you are simply stuck on how to make the image appear at the location.

For that you could use the Draw method of the SlideImage sub-object -- see the "SlideVisualStim.Draw" topic in the E-Basic Help.

-- David McFarlane
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