Black screen?

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Jan 12, 2010, 10:03:14 AM1/12/10
to E-Prime
Hello everyone!

Several months ago I heard from a colleague that she has problems with
e-prime 'blackscreening' during data-acquisition. The program just
seemed to stall and shows a black screen. It needs to be forced closed
when this happens.It had happened to her quite a few times. I tried to
replicate this phenomenon using her e-studio files but failed. She had
a really complex set-up with 10 or so procedures and I ended up
blaming the complexity.

However: my students have by now reported two similar incidents on a
different computer in a different lab with two different experiments
that are not as complicated as my colleagues experiment was. While I
write this down I do realize that both experiments interact with .txt
files 'outside' the program but I don't think that was the case on my
colleagues' experiment. Inconveniently, my students on both incidents
restarted the experiment and have overwritten the .txt files so I
have no idea on what/where/when it happened. Then again: my colleague
back then had stored the .txt files and they didn't gave me any clues
as to what was going on.

I don't like this, as you can guess, and I am trying to get an idea of
what this could be....

Does anyone have any similar experiences or any smart thoughts?



Michiel Spape

Jan 12, 2010, 1:13:54 PM1/12/10
Hi Liwenna,
Not really, I've had more experience with blue screens :) Anyway, a stupid idea might be, however: have you checked whether the screen saver is actually off, as well as the power settings not switching off the screen? It's not that this would cause black screens, normally, but the priority of E-Prime might not allow the screen-saving screen to actually be turned off, or some such.
Are you sure it's a black screen anyway? (I mean, for you too?). White screens are very common if something takes control of the foreground - for example, pressing the much-hated (amongst E-Primers!) Start-button. Although considering your description, I'd still suggest checking power settings ('energy saving features') and screen saver settings.

Michiel Spapé
Research Fellow
Perception & Action group
University of Nottingham
School of Psychology

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