Static typing and parallelism in successors to E

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Jan 19, 2020, 12:08:04 PM1/19/20
to e-lang
I'm thinking about an application scripting language for a project I'm toying with. It won't come as any surprise to this list that I strongly favor static typing, though in this project I may be forced out of that rut; if I stick with static types I'll certainly need both an "any" type and union types. For other reasons, I'm heading in the direction of a language that is pure, functional, and (probably) terminating by design. Depending on how it practically limits expression, the terminating part may be set aside, but I'd like to push on it for a bit and see how it goes. 

One of the things that E did very well was to present the user with the appearance of a conventional sequential language that (mostly) hid a promise-based, event-driven language underneath. This leads me to ask:

1. Are there subsequent/derivative work that has merged the E event-driven approach into a statically typed language that I should look at?
2. Given the assumption that computation will be pure, there is a significant opportunity for parallel execution. has anyone looked at pursuing this sort of direction in an E-like language?

Before somebody suggests it: I'm well overdue to look at Erlang, and I'll be doing so. I'm wondering what else to look at.



William ML Leslie

Jan 19, 2020, 11:53:51 PM1/19/20
to Discussion of E and other capability languages
I'm not aware of a clear answer to your question.

It sounds like you might like together with Scala. I
don't know if I'd call it an "application scripting" language as the
JVM is a big thing to embed, but that might not be a problem for you.
As you know Scala does not include a totality checker.

I can think of less-mature projects that might fit the bill (e.g.,
there's a BEAM backend for the pure, dependently-typed language Idris: but that could be a support

If Matt has ideas, I'd suggest trying those first.

William Leslie

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Dan Connolly

Jan 20, 2020, 11:31:45 AM1/20/20
On Sun, Jan 19, 2020 at 11:08 AM jonathan.s.shapiro <> wrote:
I'm thinking about an application scripting language for a project I'm toying with. It won't come as any surprise to this list that I strongly favor static typing, though in this project I may be forced out of that rut; if I stick with static types I'll certainly need both an "any" type and union types. For other reasons, I'm heading in the direction of a language that is pure, functional, and (probably) terminating by design.

Among actively developed languages, is the only one I can think of that is terminating (aside from idris, which seems an odd fit for an app scripting language). It's also statically typed and embeddable. I don't think it has union types.

One of the things that E did very well was to present the user with the appearance of a conventional sequential language that (mostly) hid a promise-based, event-driven language underneath. This leads me to ask:

1. Are there subsequent/derivative work that has merged the E event-driven approach into a statically typed language that I should look at?

Wyvern is "capability safe" and has a sound static type system, but I don't know what support it has for promises and event loops.

The active E successors are SES and monte ( . Monte has guards. I started playing around with Hindly-Milner static analysis layered on top, though I didn't get very far:

w.r.t. SES, Typescript and flow both have good support for union types.

And there are some JS engines much smaller than v8. I'm having a lot of fun with moddable xs. . But there's also and
2. Given the assumption that computation will be pure, there is a significant opportunity for parallel execution. has anyone looked at pursuing this sort of direction in an E-like language?

MarkM told me Intel did some work on parallel JS, where the programmer makes some purity declarations and the runtime reverts to a slow path if the purity declarations are violated. I have not seen details (and I don't know that they're widely available.)
Before somebody suggests it: I'm well overdue to look at Erlang, and I'll be doing so. I'm wondering what else to look at.

I'm overdue on that front myself.


Mark S. Miller

Jan 20, 2020, 10:20:25 PM1/20/20
to Discussion of E and other capability languages
It was very clever. All gone. AFAIK, sunk without a trace. A shame.

Before somebody suggests it: I'm well overdue to look at Erlang, and I'll be doing so. I'm wondering what else to look at.

I'm overdue on that front myself.


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