Fwd: Project Manager - Odette Cancer Centre - Regular Full-Time - 2024-9282 - REVISED at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and 9 more jobs for you!

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Zeni Shariff

Jun 24, 2024, 10:18:34 AMJun 24
to E-Bapa

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From: Indeed <al...@indeed.com>
Date: Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 11:27 AM
Subject: Project Manager - Odette Cancer Centre - Regular Full-Time - 2024-9282 - REVISED at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and 9 more jobs for you!
To: <zenis...@gmail.com>

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre has an opportunity for you!
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Project Manager - Odette Cancer Centre - Regular Full-Time - 2024-9282 - REVISED
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre  4 4/5 rating - Toronto, ON
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Collaborate on the development and enforcement of standard operating procedures and policies; monitor and report quality improvement initiatives and collaborate…
3 days ago
Occupational Health Clinic Manager - Occupational Health and Safety - Temporary Full-time 2024-9296
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre  4 4/5 rating - Toronto, ON
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This program relates to WSIB injuries and illnesses, short term sick time, long term disability and other personal insurance programs.
2 days ago
Radiation Safety Officer - Radiation Safety - Regular Full-Time 2024-9363
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre  4 4/5 rating - Toronto, ON
$42.23 - $53.95 an hour
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Conduct audits to monitor compliance with CNSC license requirements and monitor users of radioactive materials to ensure that SHSC operations, equipment and…
3 days ago
Patient Administrative Associate - D5 Neurosurgery, Orthopedic Surgery - Temporary Part-time 2024-8908
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre  4 4/5 rating - Toronto, ON
Easily apply
Typing at 40 net words per minute or keyboarding at 106 net keystrokes per minute. Excellent problem-solving skills, ability to deal with conflict and…
1 day ago
Patient Administrative Associate - Perioperative Services, Surgical Short Stay Unit - Casual 2024-9351
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre  4 4/5 rating - Toronto, ON
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Keyboarding at 40 w.p.m. or data entry of 106 net keystrokes/minute. PAA is responsible for the co-ordination of patient flow and patient activities;…
3 days ago
Scheduler - Central Scheduling Office - Regular Part-Time - 2024-9180
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre  4 4/5 rating - Toronto, ON
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Successful completion of one (1) year of a Community College program, preferably in office administration, human resources or related business discipline.
3 days ago
Medical Laboratory Assistant - Pre-Analytics/ Specimen Management - Regular Part-time 2024-9321
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre  4 4/5 rating - Toronto, ON
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This includes specimen handling, routine technical procedures, Sunquest computer data entry, filing, front line customer service and performing phlebotomy and…
Just posted
Director, Community Integration and Outpatient Transformation - Regular Full-time 2024-9277
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre  4 4/5 rating - Toronto, ON
Easily apply
In collaboration with program leadership and the Patient Flow team, work to support the transition of Sunnybrook patients to the appropriate post-acute…
3 days ago
Campaign Coordinator - Foundation - Regular Full Time 2024-9301
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre  4 4/5 rating - Toronto, ON
$50,000 - $58,000 a year
Easily apply
They will support the activity of their team members and apply exceptional organizational and database management skills to provide administrative support to…
3 days ago
Post-Doctoral Fellow (SRI) - Human Inner Ear Regeneration - Temporary Full-time 2024-9341
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre  4 4/5 rating - Toronto, ON
Easily apply
Record of publication in the field of neurobiology, molecular cell biology, bioinformatics, or related field, including first author high-quality scientific…
3 days ago

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