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thread_init and inheritance

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Sep 16, 2024, 9:30:46 AM9/16/24
to DynamoRIO Users
We have a client where a new thread needs to inherit some configuration
from the thread that created it. Is there any way for a thread_init callback
to get details of the creating thread? E.g. its drcontext_t or the values of
its TLS slots?

I realise that there's a risk of a race condition, where the creating thread
exits immediately before the new thread's thread_init gets to run.

Currently our fallback is to intercept the return from SYS_clone to get the
thread id, and stash some details that will be picked up when we see a
thread_init with that thread id, but it would be cleaner to have something
more direct.

Derek Bruening

Sep 16, 2024, 12:32:17 PM9/16/24
to, DynamoRIO Users
One issue is that such parent-child relationships are not cross-platform: e.g., Windows has no formal relationship even with a process's parent let alone a thread's creator.  This makes it harder to recommend as a new DR API addition as we would prefer it to be cross-platform.  That said, we do have a UNIX-only dr_get_parent_id() API today.

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