RE: India Against Corruption - India marches against corruption, 30th January 2011, please join!!!

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Hari Goyal

Jan 16, 2011, 10:50:29 AM1/16/11
to,, RTI India, Dr Goyal RTIDWARKA, DwarkA Residents, Major Ravindran, Sant Mathur, Akhilesh Pandey
Dear Friends,
1.    It is nice and appreciative that this Group is organising Protests at many places for Anti-Corruption in India. This is expecting  "RAM RAJYA" envisioned
by Mohan Das Karam Chand GANDHI wher he led the nation to achieve Independence from British Rule. India's Independence (Aazadi) has been hijacked
by a few powerful politicians, Industrialists, builders and bureucrats who do'nt want any improvement in the system as that would effect their earnings.    

2.   Let us do something rather than just watching helplessly and doing nothing. Let us make this movement so strong that VOICE of the poor or REAL INDIA
is heard by the present day LOOTERS who are openly praticing corruption. At present there is no single national leader who is and can be effective to stop
BHRUSHTACHAAR the mother of numerous prtoblems. Of course, Nitiwsh Kumar, Chief Minister of Bihar has amply demonstrated that neeed of the hour and
that of real India is 'DEVELOPMENT' and loot justified in the name of Growth. Which national leader uttered a single word in his praise-worthy role.   
3.   God may help real india. JAI HIND
Hari Goyal


Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 16:36:22 +0530
Subject: India Against Corruption - India marches against corruption, 30th January 2011, please join!!!

India Against Corruption


India Against Corruption is a movement of several concerned citizens of India who have come together to demand comprehensive reforms of anti-corruption systems in India.


India Against Corruption movement is led by Swami Ramdev, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Kiran Bedi, Swami Agnivesh, Anna Hazare, Arvind Kejriwal, J. M. Lyngdoh, Justice Tewatia, Mallika Sarabhai, Maulana Mufti Shamoom Kashmi, Maulana Kalbe Rizvi, Arch Bishop Vincent M Concessao, Prashant Bhushan, Devinder Sharma, Subhash Chandra Aggarwal, Pradeep Gupta, B. D. Lall and Sunita Godara among others.

March Against Corruption


To push for anti-corruption reforms and formation of independent Lokayukta, a people's march has been planned in Delhi starting from Ramleela Ground to Jantar Mantar on January 30, 2011 at 1 pm. Thousands of people will join in this march that will take place simultaneously in various cities.


Cities where a similar march is taking place on the same day include Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Lucknow, Agra, Pune, Nagpur, Aurangabad, Varanasi, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Patna, Gorakhpur and Aligarh while new cities are being added to the list continuously*. The details are on our facebook page.


This is a citizens' initiative and therefore requires your wholehearted support. Please join the march, spread the word about this movement, talk about it or take the lead in organising this march in your city.


Connect with us:

Contact: 09717460029, 09971900424


Press Release for January 30 March:

Draft Anti-Corruption Bill

Our Draft Anti-Corruption Bill Vs Draft Bill presented by the Central Govt

Deficiencies in the present anti-corruption systems

Draft State Lokayukta Bill

Salient features of the bill



Please forward it to all your friends, family, colleagues and everyone you know, lets do it for India!!! Pls take a printout and paste it on the notice board in your school, office, college, apartment, society etc....


Jan 18, 2011, 12:59:19 AM1/18/11
to DWARKA FORUM,, Anti Corruption- Jay Shree, Ravinder Singh, RTI Aruna Roy, RTI Campaign, AP Andhra Pradesh, RTI Karira, RTI SC AGGARWAL, Bharat Shodh, Arvind_Kejriwal, sahasipadyatri,, vaghelabd, urvi sukul singh, Param, Ravindran Major, Col NR Kurup, Promod Chawla, Vipen Mahajan, rwa panchshiela enc s d mitroo, rwa gk1 rajiv kakria, Society for Protection of Culture Heritage Environment Traditions and Promotion of National Awareness (Regd) CHETNA, vijay saluja, Vishal Kudchadkar, prav maha, Anita Bhargava, Pushpanjali Farm Owners & Residents Association, Anti Bribery Campaign, Jan Sahyog Manch Farm House Case, Batra Lokesh, Danish Raza, cwg univ resis praveen,, KIRAN BEDI, venkatesh nayak, Kushal Pathak


Beg to differ.


I dont think protest have any result.. as other than few Policemen notice it who else.?


Unless such protest take the route of some other people whose demand and was making news last week and before that, whether on reservation or on Relgious matters.

Which is not possible by groups and citizen those involved in Anti-Corruption Activities.

With few people just for the sake PHOTO/Camera facing a march or Dharna with Current THICK Skinned administration melting can only a bad dream. Yes it can be a symbolic gesture.


Instead of diverting resources for such Protest, Bringing all together must be the TARGET/OBJECTIVE-

The Internet and Email brought many of us connected from diffrent parts, and this make it very easy to coordinate and discuss.  See another another news (reproduced below) of Eminent citizen writing to Govt.

Then look at!/pages/anti-corruption-movement/128173477204348


We all work at diffrent platforms and diffrent levels.. What we all wanted to get rid of this CORRUPTION.


What is NEEDED a UNITED Front of citizens, Civil Society, RTI Group, RWA and even eminent people with Integrity.


Collect funds for filing PIL, RTI, Petitions and bringing a Platform together- Work 2011 as Uniting everyone.

Then Act in 2012.


So my humble request to Initiator of this  bring all stakeholders and various group under ONE UNIT.



Mumbai: A group of 14 prominent and well-regarded citizens has written an ‘‘Open Letter To Our Leaders’’ to express alarm at the ‘‘governance deficit’’ in ‘‘government, business and institutions’’, and underline the ‘‘urgent need’’ to tackle the ‘‘malaise of corruption, which is corroding the fabric of our nation’’.
It is a rare move and goes to show how quickly the mood of the nation appears to have shifted from a sense of satisfaction with political stability and high growth to grave concern over the recent spate of scandals and the sense of drift in government which, it is feared, could affect the growth story.
The letter, which follows a meeting in Mumbai on Saturday, has been signed by businesspersons Azim Premji of Wipro, Keshub Mahindra of Mahindra & Mahindra, Jamshyd Godrej of the Godrej Group and Anu Aga of Thermax; HDFC chairman Deepak Parekh; ICICI chairman emeritus N Vaghul; former Hindustan Lever chairman and now RS MP Ashok Ganguly; former RBI governors Bimal Jalan (also RS MP) and M Narasimham; Justices Sam Variava and B N Srikrishna, who heard the Harshad Mehta and Mumbai riots cases respectively; chartered accountant and architect of key Sebi and RBI regulations Yezdi Malegam; member of the PM’s Economic Advisory Council Prof A Vaidyanathan and banker-turnedsocial worker Nachiket Mor.
Many in this group have played crucial roles in the India Story, advising successive governments, and at critical junctures, playing conscience-keepers. Some of them are, in fact, said to be close to PM Manmohan Singh.
Investigative agencies and law enforcing bodies should be independent of the executive
Create ‘genuinely independent and constitutionally constituted regulatory bodies’ as an antidote to widespread discretionary decisionmaking ‘that has been routinely subjected to extraneous influences’
Have empowered Lok Ayuktas in every state and introduce the Lok Pal bill at the Centre to deal with corruption ‘Set up effective and fully empowered Lok Ayuktas’
The group has said that among ‘‘several urgent steps to tackle corruption’’, the most critical is to make the ‘‘investigative agencies and law-enforcing bodies independent of the executive... in order to reassure citizens that corruption will be most severely dealt with’’.
‘‘In the last few months, the country has witnessed eruption of a number of egregious events, thanks to an active media eagerly tracking malfeasance. There are, at present, several loud and outraged voices, in the public domain, clamouring on these issues, which have deeply hurt the nation,’’ the letter says.
On the crisis of governance, the letter says, ‘‘Widespread discretionary decision-making has been routinely subjected to extraneous influences... The judiciary is a source of some reassurance but creation of genuinely independent and constitutionally constituted regulatory bodies, manned by persons who are judicially trained in the concerned field, would be one of the first and important steps to restore public confidence.’’
The group has called for the setting up of ‘‘effective and fully empowered Lok Ayuktas’’ in every state and ‘‘early introduction of the Lok Pal Bill at the national level for the purpose of highlighting, pursuing and dealing with corruption issues and corrupt individuals’’.
Without naming environment minister Jairam Ramesh, the group appears to tilt in favour of industry in the raging development vs conservation debate. ‘‘It is widely acknowledged that the benefits of growth are not reaching the poor and marginalized sections adequately due to impediments to economic development. This is because of some critical issues like environmental concerns and differences in perspectives between central and state governments,’’ the letter says.
The group is also implicitly critical of the opposition for blocking almost the entire Parliament session gone by. It says elected representatives need to ‘‘distinguish between dissent and disruption’’.
The G14 has decided to meet again later this month and come up with suggestions on economic issues should there be a positive response from the political leadership to its offer, a member of the group told TOI.
Each year 50million trees and 75 billion water is used to create 7  million tonnes of mail, over 40% of which is thrown away unopened. source : National Geographic so the next time you receive paper, think again  before you print. choose to receive emails instead .

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