Re: VIP & Fancy Number Plates- Finally Delhi Govt heard Dwarka Forum

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Jul 30, 2012, 11:32:08 PM7/30/12
Dear All,
Another success in the inititive by DF team in controlling the HOLE in Revenue for Delhi Govt in VIP/Fancy Number Plates
After digging out info on RTI and numerous representation to Delhi Govt, GoI, CAG which duly investigated and Lokayukta taken on record our plea.
Thankfully now Smt. Sheila Dikshit announced 0001 Number would be around 5 Lakh......
Good work and tirely efforts of DF Team....

Want a fancy registration number for your new car? Be prepared to shell out up Rs 5 lakh and more as the Delhi government on Monday decided it will auction fancy number plates every fortnight.

Registration number 0001 will be the most expensive, with the minimum reserve price fixed at Rs 5 lakh, according to a Transport department proposal the Delhi Cabinet approved on Monday.

Numbers 0002 to 0009 will be the second most expensive, with the auction starting from Rs 3 lakh. The third category will include numbers from 0010 to 0099; 0786, 1000, 1111, 7777 and 999, for which bids will start at Rs 2 lakh.

Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit said the system of auction will stop corruption in allotment of fancy registration numbers that ails the existing system and also help the state’s welfare activities.

“The amount accumulated through auctions would be transferred to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund for enhancing the sphere of grant during natural calamities and for the needy people facing hardships,” she said.

Car owners looking to spend less can bid for registration numbers 0100, 0111, 0200, 0222, 0300, 0333 and similar numbers up to 0999; 2000, 2222 and similar numbers up to 8000; and 8888, 9000, 0101, 0108, 1008 and 1313, for which auction will start from Rs 1 lakh.

“Those who want a specific number, not covered under any of the four fancy number categories, will have to pay Rs 20,000,” a Transport official said.

The scheme will be open to only non-transport, four-wheel vehicles, the official said, and the numbers would be auctioned every fortnight.

“Once the fancy four-digit combinations for a particular series of registration numbers get auctioned, bids for the next series will be invited,” the official said.

The government will have to amend the Delhi Motor Vehicles Rule 1993 to insert a new Rule 34A, which will allow for the auction, the official said.

Supreme Court and High Court judges, Lok Sabha and Delhi Assembly Speaker and Union ministers and Delhi Cabinet ministers among a few others can book fancy numbers for free for up to two vehicles

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 4:45 PM, REJIMON C K <> wrote:
Any progress on the above said case ?
Please revert.

Thanking you,
Rejimon CK

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 5:47 PM, REJIMON C K <> wrote:
The Missed Old RETENTION Numbers as VIP alloted is attached.
Sincerely yours
Rejimon C K

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 5:40 PM, REJIMON C K <> wrote:
To: Shri. V K Gupta
     Dy. Secretary (Admin)
     Office of the Lokayukta, Vikas Bhawan
     New Delhi

Ref your Letter No. C-1078-11/16072 dated 30/11/2011.
We are happy that Lokyukta have taken due notice of this alleged scam and revenue loss as well as  alleged misuse of power and favouritsm.
A)   As desired we enclosed the lists of People who are as per Transport Department Allotted VIP/Fancy Number Plates.
1. The of Vehicles alloted VIP/Fancy Numbers to Govt and Other functionaries.
2. The List of Vehicles a allotted VIP/Fancy Numbers to PRIVATE Companies and Individuals.
3. The List of Vehicles allotted OLD Pattern Numbers Such as (DBH-0001) in place of New Pattern No. DL-X-ABC-XXXX format(DL1CM1780.
B) The Above information received following an RTI Filed on 15th Sept 2011. A Copy Enclosed.
C). Another RTI Filed to dig out more information were DENIED by Transport Department as the revelaing of this RTI would probably expose the GROSS IRREGULARITIES and FAVOURITSM by Transport Department officials and Political Establishment. In addition to violates the CMV Act and other provisions. A copy of the same RTI also enclosed for your records.
D. The Reply to the RTI in sum up of total per year Fancy and VIP Number allotted is also enclosed in ID No. 3962
E. Another RTI Filed on March 2011 was responded by Department with ID No. 2755
F. We have already provided the FILE NOTINGs which substantiate the gross CORRUPT Practices.
You will not find any policy that give suo moto disclosure of the so called VIP/ Fancy and Old Retention Number Registration. A copy of the website print attached. The Website link on Policy have only list of diginitaries allowed VIP Numbers no other details provided here also.
We will be submitting all the hard copies the documents to your office very soon.
Look forward arresting the corrupt practices in Transport Department of NCT Delhi and fixing the REVENUE LOSS.Please see below news where in Chandigarh a perons paid Rs. TEN LAKH for VIP/Fancy Number. Here over 34,000 Numbers allotted all FREE. Now actually this is FREE or in return any KIND or Cahs  or FAVOR that any establishment or individuals received is subject matter of investigaton.
Thanking you,
Rejimon CK
President-Dwarka Forum(Regd)
 NEWS in the past about VIP Numbers (Retention of Old vehicle Numbers)  (updtes on VIP numbers and prices by blog BHP) )NORTH DISTRICT is only allowed to issue VIP-FANCY NUMBERS.


Also refer the High Security Registration Plate



On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 4:02 PM, REJIMON C K <> wrote:
Justice Manmohan Sarin
Hon. Lokayukta,
Office of the Lokayukta
Government Of NCT Of Delhi,
'G' Block, Vikas Bhawan,
I.P. Estates, New Delhi-110002.
Hon. Justice Sarin,
We have received an RTI reply vide ref No. 3894 dated 4/11/2011 from Transport Department.
While going throught the list of reply, it is evident that these Vehicles Numbers in the name of VIP & Fancy allotted to PRIVATE Individuals and even Private LTD companies for FREE(NO additional charge ) imposed by Transport Department under the direction of Hon. Minister of Transport as given in the file notings and of Transport department.
Numbering in particular manner was mandated as per Section 41 (6) of CMV Act  envisaged.
Earlier Cabinet of Delhi Govt stopped this practice after the CHOLA GATE SCAM. However suddenly the Minister of Transport, over ruled the cabinet decision and started allotting VIP/Fancy Numbers without any Policy framed. Later on policy framed with only 18 category of diginitaries. However record now received found that there are more PRIVATE Companies, Builders who have the capacity to pay for such VIP/Fancy Number given these number without charging any amount thereby causing REVENUE LOSS to Gov tof  NCT Delhi(As per File Noting No. 7N) . As per para No 22 & File Noting  on No. 7 N ( Page 53) by Shri. A K Srivastava Asst Director (Ops) is EVIDENT of REVNEU Model for VIP Numbering and proposed Rule 34 A to DMV Rule 1993. As per record this amend rule is this is  for Revenue collection on VIP/Fancy Numbering which are on high premium and high demand. However, CORRUPT Practices exists in formulating and implimentation resulted no such amendments nor any policy other than 18 category of diginitaries. 
The govt is giving away opportunity to have REVENUE from VIP/Fancy Numbers. As this exemption may be to favour some of the contacts of the listed people who VIP/Fancy Number for any kind of favour in return or otherwise, which can be revealed only after investingation.
We would therefore request Hon. Lokayukta to conduct an enquiry into the VIP/Fancy number allotment by Transport Department.
Thanking you,
Rejimon  CK
On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 4:11 PM, REJIMON C K <> wrote:

Application Under Right to Information Act 2005


Rejimon C. K.                                                                        President

                                                                                                Dwarka Forum(Regd)

                                                                                                453 Nav Sansad Vihar,

                                                                                                Plot 4, Sector 22,


                                                                                                New Delhi 110075


                                                                                                15 September 2011

                                                                                                                        Regd AD



Ajay Mamoriya 

State Public Information Officer

Secretariate Branch

Transport Department 

5/9 Underhill Road



Dear Sir,


Subject            : Application under Right to Information Act.

Ref:                    VVIP & VIP Syndrome- Vehicle Number Research. 

Special Registration Number for Vehicles.


(HELP Citizen by Implementing  Section 4  of RTI Act 2005


REDUCE over 50% RTI Applications)

 If any of the information sought above does not pertain to you, kindly forward it, under intimation to me, to the respective department under section 6(3) of RTI Act 2005 within 5 days receipt of application CLEARLY   MENTIONING PART or FULL Application, If PART then clearly mention the question ref No.



Ref: DL-x-F series started issue from 24/7/2003.

        DL-x-F Series falls under FANCY and Not VIP (except 1-100 & 786).

        VIP/Fancy numbers freeze on 6/8/2007

        by Govt of NCT Delhi Cabinet Decision No. 1252.

        Freezing Removed 20/3/2008


Please provide following information under Right to information Act 2005.



  1. Please provide list of Vehicles Numbers that  allotted against Each Category Dignitaries & Number of Vehicles Numbers Issued against each .

S. No.

Type as per 23/11/2010 List

Total Number issued under Fancy

DL-x-F category series

Total Number issued under VIP

DL-x- category series

Vehicle Reg. No Issued

& Zone

Private or Officials Vehicle


Official vehicle of Hon’ble Judges of Supreme court of India.






Official vehicle of Hon’ble Judges of High court of India.






Official vehicle of Speaker Lok Sabha.






Official vehicle of Speaker, Delhi Legislative Assembly.






Official vehicle of Ministers of Union of India.






Official vehicle of Minister of  NCT of Delhi






Official vehicles of Chief Secretary of NCT of Delhi.






Official vehicle of Leader of Opposition (DLA).






C& AG of India.






Hon’ble Dy. Speaker of Lok Sabha.






Hon’ble Dy. Speaker of Delhi Legislative Assembly






Hon’ble Dy. Chairman Rajya Sabha.






Leader of opposition.






Leader of opposition in the Rajya Sabha.






Hon’ble MPs & MLAs with the condition that only one vehicle in their own name.






All Govt. vehicles i.e vehicle belonging to GNCTD and its undertakings.






Senior officers of GNCTD i.e IAS and JAG level DANICS Officers ( only one vehicle in their own name)






Mayor of Delhi.









  1. Details of  VIP & Fancy Numbers Issued for years (since 2003 till date):

S. No.


No of VIP No Issued

No of Fancy No Issued










  1. Please provide list of vehicle owners issued VIP/Fancy Numbers other than 18 category of people mentioned (VIP) since 20/3/2008 till date. The List if more than 5 page be provided in electronic by email or by CD for which due amount to be communicated to deposit.

S. NO.

VIP/ Fancy Number

Name of the Person/Organization whom the vehicle registered








(i)     If the information being sought is deemed bulky or voluminous, then I am willing to visit your office along with other informed citizens to inspect the records, files etc. as per Sec. 2 (j) of RTI Act 2005. If this is the case, please intimate the date, time and venue for taking inspection of the files.

(ii)   If you deny any of the information sought, please reply point-by-point and quote the exemption clause of Section 8(1) or any other relevant clause of RTI Act and a brief reasoning as to how it is applicable to that specific point. This is a requirement of the RTI Act, as per Section 7(8)(i),  Section 19(5) and Section 20(1) last paragraph.

(iii)  Kindly send replies and correspondence in English. [If you send correspondence in any other language, please state how replying in English would “disproportionately divert the resources” of your public authority, as per section 7(9).]


The Answer/information may be provided me through (preferred) by e-mail  : or through Department Website with intimation to undersigned or by mail.


I am enclosing a postal order number 92E 385873 (Issued by Safderjung Enclave PO). I am leaving the payee blank. Kindly fill up the appropriate name.


Thanking you,


Rejimon C K



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Mahendra Kumar Gupta

Jul 31, 2012, 12:24:20 AM7/31/12
Reji, this has been possible with your continuous and tireless efforts and I congratulate u on this success.  

Now, the Delhi Police should officially inform to the Traffic Police that it should not treat the holder of VIP number holder differently as he is not in fact VIP.  The VIP number has been allotted to him in auction and this has nothing to do with any outstanding service rendered by him.  This  story came in ToI/ Jagran about 10 days ago.

I also congratulate u about your other move on security number plates on which u are almost nearing towards success. Security number plates will prove a great help in controlling the crimes committed on the vehicles by putting the fake number.

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Sudha Iyer

Jul 31, 2012, 2:10:24 AM7/31/12
to M.k. Gupta Dwarka, Dwarka Forum Google
Absolutely. Reji's tireless follow up, filing RTI's writing Zillions of letters to various authorities has finally borne result. Great effort!!!

3 cheers for Reji!.


Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone

-----Original Message-----
From: Mahendra Kumar Gupta <>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 04:24:20
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Dwarka Forum] Re: VIP & Fancy Number Plates- Finally Delhi
Govt heard Dwarka Forum

Reji, this has been possible with your continuous and tireless efforts and I congratulate u on this success.  

Now, the Delhi Police should officially inform to the Traffic Police that it should not treat the holder of VIP number holder differently as he is not in fact VIP.  The VIP number has been allotted to him in auction and this has nothing to do with any outstanding service rendered by him.  This  story came in ToI/ Jagran about 10 days ago.

I also congratulate u about your other move on security number plates on which u are almost nearing towards success. Security number plates will prove a great help in controlling the crimes committed on the vehicles by putting the fake number.

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 9:02 AM, REJIMON C K < <> > wrote:

Dear All,
Another success in the inititive by DF team in controlling the HOLE in Revenue for Delhi Govt in VIP/Fancy Number Plates
After digging out info on RTI and numerous representation to Delhi Govt, GoI, CAG which duly investigated and Lokayukta taken on record our plea.
Thankfully now Smt. Sheila Dikshit announced 0001 Number would be around 5 Lakh......
Good work and tirely efforts of DF Team....

Want a fancy registration number for your new car? Be prepared to shell out up Rs 5 lakh and more as the Delhi government on Monday decided it will auction fancy number plates every fortnight.
Registration number 0001 will be the most expensive, with the minimum reserve price fixed at Rs 5 lakh, according to a Transport department proposal the Delhi Cabinet approved on Monday.
Numbers 0002 to 0009 will be the second most expensive, with the auction starting from Rs 3 lakh. The third category will include numbers from 0010 to 0099; 0786, 1000, 1111, 7777 and 999, for which bids will start at Rs 2 lakh.
Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit said the system of auction will stop corruption in allotment of fancy registration numbers that ails the existing system and also help the state's welfare activities.
"The amount accumulated through auctions would be transferred to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund for enhancing the sphere of grant during natural calamities and for the needy people facing hardships," she said.
Car owners looking to spend less can bid for registration numbers 0100, 0111, 0200, 0222, 0300, 0333 and similar numbers up to 0999; 2000, 2222 and similar numbers up to 8000; and 8888, 9000, 0101, 0108, 1008 and 1313, for which auction will start from Rs 1 lakh.
"Those who want a specific number, not covered under any of the four fancy number categories, will have to pay Rs 20,000," a Transport official said.
The scheme will be open to only non-transport, four-wheel vehicles, the official said, and the numbers would be auctioned every fortnight.
"Once the fancy four-digit combinations for a particular series of registration numbers get auctioned, bids for the next series will be invited," the official said.
The government will have to amend the Delhi Motor Vehicles Rule 1993 to insert a new Rule 34A, which will allow for the auction, the official said.
Supreme Court and High Court judges, Lok Sabha and Delhi Assembly Speaker and Union ministers and Delhi Cabinet ministers among a few others can book fancy numbers for free for up to two vehicles

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 4:45 PM, REJIMON C K < <> > wrote:

Any progress on the above said case ?
Please revert.

Thanking you,
Rejimon CK

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 4:02 PM, REJIMON C K < <> > wrote:

Justice Manmohan Sarin
Hon. Lokayukta,
Office of the Lokayukta
Government Of NCT Of Delhi,
'G' Block, Vikas Bhawan,
I.P. Estates, New Delhi-110002.

Hon. Justice Sarin,
We have received an RTI reply vide ref No. 3894 dated 4/11/2011 from Transport Department.
While going throught the list of reply, it is evident that these Vehicles Numbers in the name of VIP & Fancy allotted to PRIVATE Individuals and even Private LTD companies for FREE(NO additional charge ) imposed by Transport Department under the direction of Hon. Minister of Transport as given in the file notings and of Transport department.
Numbering in particular manner was mandated as per Section 41 (6) of CMV Act  envisaged.
Earlier Cabinet of Delhi Govt stopped this practice after the CHOLA GATE SCAM. However suddenly the Minister of Transport, over ruled the cabinet decision and started allotting VIP/Fancy Numbers without any Policy framed. Later on policy framed with only 18 category of diginitaries. However record now received found that there are more PRIVATE Companies, Builders who have the capacity to pay for such VIP/Fancy Number given these number without charging any amount thereby causing REVENUE LOSS to Gov tof  NCT Delhi(As per File Noting No. 7N) . As per para No 22 & File Noting  on No. 7 N ( Page 53) by Shri. A K Srivastava Asst Director (Ops) is EVIDENT of REVNEU Model for VIP Numbering and proposed Rule 34 A to DMV Rule 1993. As per record this amend rule is this is  for Revenue collection on VIP/Fancy Numbering which are on high premium and high demand. However, CORRUPT Practices exists in formulating and implimentation resulted no such amendments nor any policy other than 18 category of diginitaries. 
The govt is giving away opportunity to have REVENUE from VIP/Fancy Numbers. As this exemption may be to favour some of the contacts of the listed people who VIP/Fancy Number for any kind of favour in return or otherwise, which can be revealed only after investingation.

We would therefore request Hon. Lokayukta to conduct an enquiry into the VIP/Fancy number allotment by Transport Department.
Thanking you,
Rejimon  CK

1. Please provide list of Vehicles Numbers that  allotted against Each Category Dignitaries & Number of Vehicles Numbers Issued against each .

1. Details of  VIP & Fancy Numbers Issued for years (since 2003 till date):

S. No.
No of VIP No Issued
No of Fancy No Issued



1. Please provide list of vehicle owners issued VIP/Fancy Numbers other than 18 category of people mentioned (VIP) since 20/3/2008 till date. The List if more than 5 page be provided in electronic by email or by CD for which due amount to be communicated to deposit.

S. NO.
VIP/ Fancy Number
Name of the Person/Organization whom the vehicle registered



(i)     If the information being sought is deemed bulky or voluminous, then I am willing to visit your office along with other informed citizens to inspect the records, files etc. as per Sec. 2 (j) of RTI Act 2005. If this is the case, please intimate the date, time and venue for taking inspection of the files.

(ii)   If you deny any of the information sought, please reply point-by-point and quote the exemption clause of Section 8(1) or any other relevant clause of RTI Act and a brief reasoning as to how it is applicable to that specific point. This is a requirement of the RTI Act, as per Section 7(8)(i),  Section 19(5) and Section 20(1) last paragraph.

(iii)  Kindly send replies and correspondence in English. [If you send correspondence in any other language, please state how replying in English would "disproportionately divert the resources" of your public authority, as per section 7(9).]


The Answer/information may be provided me through (preferred) by e-mail  : <> or through Department Website with intimation to undersigned or by mail.

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purshotam behl

Aug 1, 2012, 6:49:39 AM8/1/12
well done Raji , it is a good achievement .

From: REJIMON C K <>
Sent: Monday, 30 July 2012 8:32 PM
Subject: [Dwarka Forum] Re: VIP & Fancy Number Plates- Finally Delhi Govt heard Dwarka Forum


Aug 1, 2012, 9:31:45 AM8/1/12
add it to the compiled list of achievements

rajiv solanki


Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2012 18:49:39 +0800
Subject: Re: [Dwarka Forum] Re: VIP & Fancy Number Plates- Finally Delhi Govt heard Dwarka Forum


Feb 4, 2013, 11:57:25 PM2/4/13
Some that DF could take Proud that it influenced getting such IMPACT.

Ofcourse still lot to do, if these people(OTHER THAN OFFICIAL Vehicle )Given these should be treated as REVENUE LOSS.. Long way to go to ensure that... but efforts are on that too.

If you are looking to secure a fancy registration number for your car, you just might have to wait a while. The Transport department has not issued any fancy numbers over the past five months as it is still in the process of working on an online system through which it can auction these numbers.

While a draft notification for this policy has been issued, the final notification will only be issued once the auctioning system is in place, Transport officials said.

The department has only been issuing these numbers to Supreme Court and High Court judges, Lok Sabha and Delhi Assembly Speaker and Union ministers and Delhi Cabinet ministers, among a few others who can book fancy numbers for free for up to two vehicles.

"We have not issued any fancy registration numbers since August 15, 2012, except in the case where such numbers are supposed to be given for free — MLAs, MPs etc. We have assigned the work of creating an online auctioning system for fancy numbers to National Informatics Centre and the agency is still working on the project,'' a Transport official said. Suggestions and objections on this policy have already been invited.

The system of auctioning is supposed to stop corruption in allotment of fancy registration numbers that ails the existing system.

"People have been turning up at the Transport office and the Transport Minister's office also asking for fancy numbers since the process of issuing such numbers have been discontinued since August 2012. For most Delhiites, it is a very important status symbol and they are willing to pay any price for it. But we cannot issue any numbers until the auctioning process is in place,'' the official said.

The government will have to amend the Delhi Motor Vehicles Rule 1993 to insert a new Rule 34A, which will allow for the auction of such fancy registration numbers.

In July, Delhi government had cleared the auctioning of fancy numbers every fortnight. These numbers are supposed to be put in five categories with a base price decided for each category. Registration number 0001 will be the most expensive, with the minimum reserve price fixed at Rs 5 lakh.

Numbers 0002 to 0009 will be the second most expensive, with the auction starting from Rs 3 lakh. The third category will include numbers from 0010 to 0099; 0786, 1000, 1111, 7777 and 999, for which bids will start at Rs 2 lakh.

Car owners looking to spend less can bid for registration numbers 0100, 0111, 0200, 0222, 0300, 0333 and similar numbers up to 0999; 2000, 2222 and similar numbers up to 8000; and 8888, 9000, 0101, 0108, 1008 and 1313, for which auction will start from Rs 1 lakh.

"Those who want a specific number, not covered under any of the four fancy number categories, will have to pay Rs 20,000. The amount accumulated through auctions would be transferred to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund,'' the official said.

Sushil Kumar

Feb 5, 2013, 12:03:31 AM2/5/13
True but we can not forget your consistent follow up the matter for so long.Initiation and logical end is the approach of DF and we are happy to focus upon.


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Mahendra Kumar Gupta

Feb 5, 2013, 7:45:15 AM2/5/13
Rejimon  has and is closely monitoring  the issues of fancy and high security number plates and the credit goes to............ Reji.   We should write this as an achievement of DF through Rejimon.

Arun Banerjee

Feb 5, 2013, 8:09:05 AM2/5/13

Salute to Rejimon Sir.

Arun Banerjee

Feb 5, 2013, 8:10:52 AM2/5/13
Hats off to Mr. Reji.

Another thing I would like to know can we retain the old car fancy number for a new car purchased if the owner is same and prcedure for retaining
Sent from my BlackBerry® on Reliance Mobile, India's No. 1 Network. Go for it!

From: Mahendra Kumar Gupta <>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 18:15:15 +0530

Feb 5, 2013, 8:20:57 AM2/5/13
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 13:10:52 +0000


Feb 5, 2013, 8:44:20 AM2/5/13

there is an order from MoRTH


Feb 5, 2013, 8:45:21 AM2/5/13

Dwarka Forum(Regd)

Apr 29, 2014, 2:18:47 AM4/29/14
Good to see some results. patient follow up bring some results along with other contenders.
Dwarka Fourm have made impact & by this bring some REVENUE to state - Cheers.

Also enclose a copy of an RTI on OLD RETENTION VIP Number amount to SCAM?

L-G clears auctioning of fancy number plates, Transport dept awaits EC nod

The process of issuing the final notification to begin with e-auctioning of fancy number plates got the formal go-ahead from Lieutenant-Governor Najeeb Jung on Monday. The Transport department has forwarded the proposal to Delhi Election Commission to seek clearance to issue the notification.

No fancy number plates have been issued to the public since 2012, according to the Transport department, which is ready with an e-auctioning system now.

“Once approval is received, fortnightly auctioning of numbers will take place through an online system which has been designed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) and has been tested extensively,’’ Transport commissioner Gyanesh Bharti said.

As part of the auctioning policy, the fancy number plates will be divided into five categories with a base price for each category.

“As of now, 140 fancy numbers in each series are available for auctioning. We have sent the proposal to the Delhi Election Commission for clearance so we can start with auctioning these numbers immediately,’’ a government official said.

The government will have to amend the Delhi Motor Vehicles Rule, 1993, to insert a new Rule 34A — which will allow for the auction of such fancy registration numbers. Premium numbers will be auctioned at a base price ranging from Rs 20,000 to Rs 5 lakh. The system of auctioning is supposed to stop corruption in the allotment of fancy registration numbers.

According to the Transport department, fancy numbers are only allotted to MLAs, MPs, Union and Delhi government officials. The launch of the online auctioning system had been delayed in 2013 due to the model code of conduct being in place for Assembly elections from October 2013 till December.

Each bidder will have to deposit a reserve price to participate in the bidding. The person will then be given a password, which will be sent through e-mail or text message. “If the final payment is not made by the bidder, the deposit amount will not be returned,” the official said.

Registration number 0001 will be the most expensive, with the minimum reserve price fixed at

Rs 5 lakh. Numbers from 0002 to 0009 will be the second most expensive, starting at Rs 3 lakh. The third category will include numbers from 0010 to 0099; 0786, 1000, 1111, 7777 and 999, for which bids will start at Rs 2 lakh.

Car owners looking to spend less can bid for registration numbers 0100, 0111, 0200, 0222, 0300, 0333 and similar numbers up to 0999. For 2000, 2222 and similar numbers up to 8000 as well as numbers 8888, 9000, 0101, 0108, 1008 and 1313, the auction will start at Rs 1 lakh.

Each year 50million trees and 75 billion water is used to create 7  million tonnes of mail, over 40% of which is thrown away unopened. source : National Geographic so the next time you receive paper, think again  before you print. choose to receive emails instead .


Meenakshi Pal

Apr 29, 2014, 5:20:32 AM4/29/14
Thanks for all the efforts you and others of Dwarka Forum have made. Keep it up.

My best wishes to Dwarka Forum.

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Mahendra Kumar Gupta

Apr 29, 2014, 5:55:00 AM4/29/14
to dwarka-residents
Rejimon, Vice President of Dwarka Forum  persistence follow-up for years has brought this change.  Now, instead of recommendatory letters from VIPs for allotting , it will be e-auction of fancy number plates.  This will bring revenue to the govt. 

This may be listed as an achivement of DF because of untiring efforts of its founder Rejimon.

Pankaj P

Apr 30, 2014, 2:00:57 AM4/30/14
Great achievement Mr. Rejimon.... All the best!!! Must say founding members of Dwarka Forum esp you, Sushil Ji and Sudha Ji are doing a great and selfless for the society. 

Also, would like to draw your attention to news report that appeared in today's Hindustan Times Dated 30.04.14 Pg 03.

"AAP decision reversed, VIPs to get fancy number plates for free - The VIPs of Delhi — which include elected representatives, judges and bureaucrats — will continue to get fancy car registration numbers free of cost while the common man will have to shell out a hefty amount for it. The city’s bureaucrats have reversed the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government’s decision and reinstated the provision to give away two fancy or VIP registration numbers every five years for the private cars of the city’s VIPs."

Wonder why Judges, MP's, MLA's want these VIP numbers? Ain't they already have so many privileges.




Sep 19, 2014, 8:14:01 AM9/19/14
Thanks to all... DF & DWARKITES to cheer... Something to start weekend

Happy to give to our country in addition to Tax this revenue...

Jai Hind !!

3. The following numbers have been designated as Registratin marks of choice, and the corresponding Minimum Reserve Price is mentioned below. The availability of these numbers wil be published on the e-auction platform before each round of auction. A Registration mark of choice will not be allotted at a price below the corresponding Minimum Reserve Price.
Category Registration Marks/numbers Minimum reserve price
1 0001 Rs. 5 Lacs (Rupees Five Lacs)
2 0002 to 0009 Rs. 3 Lacs (Rupees Three Lacs)
3 0010 to 0099 , 0786, 1000, 1111,7777 & 9999 Rs. 2 Lacs (Rupees Two Lacs)
4 0100,0111,0200,0222,0300,0333,0400,0444,0500,0555 0600,0666,0700,0777,0800,0888,0900,0999,2000,2222 3000,3333,4000,4444,5000,5555,6000,6666,7000,8000 8888,9000,0101,0108,1008, & 1313 Rs. 1 lacs (Rupees One Lacs)

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Sep 19, 2014, 10:50:01 PM9/19/14
What about the ones who already have fancy numbers in their old cars can this be retained in new cars. I have heard earlier it was being done but now stopped. If there is any easy process for doing it?


Sep 20, 2014, 12:32:11 AM9/20/14

bandwidth if available will take up that 2
Meanwhile retention of old no eg DDD 0001 etc are on with morth
They change the cmv rule passed by parliament based on a Request from a former IAS officer

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