Build Issues with dv-processing and dv-runtime on armhf architecture

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Shamini Koravuna

May 8, 2024, 8:51:46 AM5/8/24
to dv-users

I am trying to build the `dv-processing` and `dv-runtime` on a Zybo-Z7-20 FPGA board running PynqLinux (Ubuntu 20.04, armhf architecture). However, I am encountering build failures during the compilation process.

I noticed from the project's launchpad page that there were previous build failures on the armhf architecture. Do we still have these issues? Or are there any specific dependencies or workarounds for the armhf platform?

Best regards,

Luca Longinotti

May 8, 2024, 8:52:18 AM5/8/24
In theory it should be possible to build dv-processing on armhf, we just don't have the systems to test it.
You will for sure need to install all the required dependencies from our PPA, but those are available on armhf: libcaer, eigen, fmt, cmake, boost-inivation.
Also make sure to use GCC10!

The reason the PPA build of dv-processing is not available is simple:

[100%] Built target test-stereo-geometry
virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory

so it actually builds everything with no error and fails due to memory exhaustion while linking the test executables. Nothing we can do there as we don't own or control the PPA build machines.

What errors are you getting specifically?
Luca Longinotti (llongi)

Head of Embedded Platforms
iniVation AG -
Zurich, Switzerland

-----Original Message-----
From: Shamini Koravuna <>
Subject: [dv-users] Build Issues with dv-processing and dv-runtime on armhf architecture
Date: 08.05.2024 14:44:05


I am currently attempting to build the `dv-processing` and `dv-runtime` on a Zybo-Z7-20 FPGA board running PynqLinux (Ubuntu 20.04, armhf architecture). However, I am encountering build failures during the compilation process.

I noticed from the project's launchpad page that there were previous build failures on the armhf architecture. Could you please provide guidance on how to resolve these issues or if there are any specific dependencies or workarounds for the armhf platform?

Best regards,

Shamini Koravuna

May 8, 2024, 8:05:37 PM5/8/24
to dv-users
The project is properly configured with the required dependencies and build settings. As you mentioned, the process is being terminated, possibly due to resource constraints (insufficient memory).  There are also some compilation errors (‘_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI’ does not name a type). I have attached the 'buildlog' that contains information about the errors encountered.

Luca Longinotti

May 14, 2024, 10:46:14 AM5/14/24
I think in this case the main error is the LIBCCP_HIDE_FROM_ABI one.
Now this should only possibly happen on MacOS, as that error comes from the file "include/dv-processing/external/compare_compat.hpp" which should only be used on older MacOS due to the check on line 5.

The fact it's trying to use it on a Linux build tells me it's most probably not finding the correct stdlibc++ from GCC-10, but an older one, which doesn't have the <compare> header with the right definitions.
This is most probably a cross-compile issue with your build not picking up the right GCC libraries.
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