Compatibility with ros2

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Boris c

Feb 13, 2024, 8:09:20 AM2/13/24
to dv-users
Hello, I was wondering if the dv-processing library was compatible with ros2 foxy. I've been able to use the library with ros1 noetic without any issues, but i'm currently struggling making it work with ros2 foxy. I don't know if the issues I'm facing are caused by some incompatibilities appearing because the library relies on c++20 (which shouldn't cause any problem as I managed to make it work with ros1) or related to how I'm linking it in my cmakelist file (i only used find_package(dv-processing) and added the dependency in ament_target_dependencies). I assume that the problem should be from my side as I'm pretty new to ros and cmake, but I wanted to have the confirmation that someone made it work with ros2.

Best regards,


Luca Longinotti

Feb 13, 2024, 8:11:13 AM2/13/24
to dv-users
Hello, at least from our side we haven't tried ROS2 yet. Unless there are compilation issues due to C++20 support like we had to work-around with ROS1 though, I don't see a reason it shouldn't work.

boris courtoy

Feb 19, 2024, 5:37:54 AM2/19/24
to dv-users
Indeed, I have compilation errors coming from the ros2 library when compiling with c++20 (mostly related to std::allocator::rebind I believe?) which do not appear when removing the include of the ros library in my c++ file. Should I modifiy directly the ros files to remove the deprecated features? Or this could be done otherwhise ? I think you managed it with ros1 without modifying the ros distribution in you dv-ros repository, but I'm not sur I'm fully understanding what you've done to fix the problem.

boris courtoy

Feb 21, 2024, 9:32:30 AM2/21/24
to dv-users
The problems were indeed related to c++ version incompatibilities. I didn't manage to fix this using ros2 foxy as there was too much modifications to do within the library, but I've switched to ros2 galactic and applying the modifications found here I managed to make it work.

However, I'm still interested to understand how you managed to fix the issues with ros1 in your dv-ros repository as I think you managed to fix it without modifying the distribution, so It would be awesome if you could give me a bit more details about what you've done to fix this.

Luca Longinotti

Mar 18, 2024, 12:58:02 PM3/18/24
What we did to solve the accumulator-related compilation problem is described here:
The README goes into detail on what fixes are needed, but it's a very hacky solution. Using ROS Galactic with the fix applied to its core files, or even Humble which already includes it, is a much better future-proof solution.
Luca Longinotti (llongi)

Head of Embedded Platforms
iniVation AG -
Zurich, Switzerland
Office: +41 44 500 32 14
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