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VAN Meeting with Jimmy Bogard

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Feb 8, 2009, 4:34:22 PM2/8/09
to dutchaltdotnet
Just wanted to let everyone know about our next VAN meeting. If this
is your first time to hear about VAN, you can read my blog post Intro
to VAN at Also you can follow the google

Jimmy Bogard to talk about TDD at The VAN meeting for 2/11!!!!!!!!!

Mini Topic: stored proc is dead
This week's mini topic will be stored proc is dead. I do not have
anyone to lead this discussion yet, but I'm sure everybody can provide
their experience on this topic. The mini topic will be what we start
the meeting off with each week. It will act as an ice breaker for the
group. The purpose of mini topic is to provide people with knowledge
about a topic so they can talk intelligently about the topic the next
day at work. If you are struggling to introduce a ALT.NET topic and
need to talk to someone that has already had the experience in
explaining the same topic, then let me know what your mini topic is
and maybe we could address it in another meeting.

Main Subject: TDD by Jimmy Bogard

Start Time: Monday, Feb 09, 2009 9:00 PM GMT -6 (CST)
End Time: Monday, Feb 09, 2009 12:00 PM GMT -6 (CST)
Attendee URL: (Live Meeting)

At what level is it appropriate to do TDD, are there different
surface areas, or does every class need a test?

Jimmy Bogard is a software developer based out of Austin, Texas with
Headspring Systems. Jimmy has developed professionally for four years
and unprofessionally for five years before that. Jimmy specializes in
using Agile and XP practices to deliver .NET solutions.

Zachariah Young
President of NW Arkansas .Net User Group


Feb 8, 2009, 4:26:47 PM2/8/09
to dutchaltdotnet
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