NL-FP Day 2020: 28th Netherlands Functional Programming Day, Amsterdam, January 10, 2020

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Clemens Grelck

Dec 3, 2019, 7:00:41 AM12/3/19
                       NL-FP Day 2020

          28th Netherlands Functional Programming Day

                 Friday, January 10, 2020
                  University of Amsterdam
                Amsterdam, The Netherlands

                  CALL FOR TALK PROPOSALS
                  CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                       sponsored by
                  University of Amsterdam
                   Informatics Institute

The Netherlands Functional Programming Day is an annual gathering of
researchers, students, and practitioners sharing a common interest in
functional programming. The day features talks that cover the latest
advances in research, teaching and applications in the area of
functional programming and (implementation of) functional languages.

Coffee and lunch breaks provide ample opportunity for networking with
your colleagues and meeting new people. Experts and newcomers to the
field are equally welcome.

Colleagues from neighboring countries are more than welcome to attend;
the language of the FP Day is English.

Talk proposals:
The FP Day consists of a number of contributed talks. Work in progress
talks are just as welcome as talks about mature work recently presented
at international conferences.

Please, upload your talk proposals via EasyChair:
including a short abstract for the FP Day programme.

Deadline: December 13, 2019

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required:

Deadline: December 20, 2019

As usual, the NL-FP Day ends with a dinner in a near-by restaurant.
The dinner is optional and at your own cost.

We meet in the historic Doelenzaal of the Amsterdam University Library
(Universiteitsbibliotheek Amsterdam) right in the heart of Amsterdam.

The street address is Singel 425. This is a 20-minute walk from Amsterdam
Centraal. Alternatively, you can take tram lines #2 to Nieuw Sloten, #11 to
Surinameplein or #12 to Amstelstation and alight at tram stop Koningsplein.
Look back from where the tram came and you see the Amsterdam University
Library right in front of you.

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam,

Dr Clemens Grelck                                     Science Park 904
Associate Professor                                   1098XH Amsterdam
Programme Director Software Engineering                    Netherlands

University of Amsterdam
Institute for Informatics                        T +31 (0) 20 525 8683
System and Network Engineering Lab               F +31 (0) 20 525 7490

Office C3.109                   
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