I'll be sending you a big email later today with a bunch of updates, so don't be sad that this one is so brief. :-)
This email has two purposes.
First, to remind you of the DAPP meeting next Thursday eve at 6pm on court 1 at Bethesda park.
This is the quarterly DAPP board meeting, and you are invited to attend. Indeed, you'll hardly be able to prevent this if you're at Bethesda on Thursday. We'll briefly take care of some board business, and then go over the results of
this survey that you're about to take
right now.
The survey contains only two questions. The first is about how you'd like to spend the money you contributed for Piney, The second question asks you to rank how important various court usages are to you.
Remember, I know who you are.
And come to next Thursday's meeting if you can (I'll post the survey results on at regardless).
Enjoy the day. Play some pickleball. More email in a bit.
2023 President