Welcome to the Durham Area Pickleball Players (DAPP) April 4 newsletter!
We appreciate your interest in the DAPP community and are excited to share with you some important information.
First, the
DurhamPickleball.org website has been completely revamped. Please check it out! It contains a
calendar for nearby tournaments and local court schedules, lists local
courts, and helps you find a
coach. We hope you will make this your go to place to find updated info on Pickleball activity happening in the Durham area.
Bull City Open Coming Soon
This is DAPP's main fundraiser (100% of the money raised goes to support pickleball in Durham.) If you've never played in a tournament, this is your chance to get your feet wet while supporting local pickleball.
Register today, and we'll look forward to seeing you there.
Oh, you also want to volunteer to help at the tournament? Awesome,
sign up for a timeslot, and thanks in advance.
Take the DAPP Survey
Even though DAPP has been around for years, are you a bit fuzzy about who it is and what it does? Sadly, you're not alone. Please
fill out this survey for a chance to win a new paddle, and to help us figure out how to best serve the community. We'll summarize the responses in a future newsletter. Paddle drawing will occur at the
Bull City Open!
New DAPP email lists
Your friends can get this newsletter by joining the
DurhamPickleball Google Group. You can also join the
DAPPVolunteers Group if you're willing to be contacted when we, well, need volunteers. :-)
Finally, DAPP is here to support you and the Durham Pickleball Community. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me or any of the volunteer DAPP Steering Committee Members if you have questions or just want to talk pickleball. Going forward it is our intent to send one or two newsletters a month. Meanwhile, don't forget to check our revamped
DurhamPickleball.org website.