Fundraiser for Piney! Party at Piney! Plus other news

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Durham Pickleball

Jan 15, 2024, 3:52:46 PMJan 15
Wow, it's about to get 🥶. Under the premise that there's no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear... it's time to break out the cross-country ski clothes for pickleball.

While you're wishing for warmer weather, here's this week's news:
  1. Fundraiser to buy Piney Wood Pickleball Court accessories
  2. Seeking Sponsors for the Piney Inaugural Bull City Open
  3. Soon to be seeking volunteers to help with Piney Inaugural Bull City Open
  4. Piney Wood Grand Opening Celebration
  5. How to Rotate Courts at Piney Wood
  6. DAPP Calendar showing local tournaments
  7. Other thanks (at least those that I know to give)
1) Fundraiser to buy Piney Wood Pickleball Court accessories
The Inaugural Piney Wood 4th Annual Bull City Open tournament is in 6 weeks, on March 1-3!  This tournament is how DAPP raises money to buy nice things for local pickleball.  

If you need no convincing to sign up, register now and skip to item #2.
In case you do, read on!

How will the money be spent?
The net proceeds will be spent on pickleball and parks in Durham.

You know those permanent court dividers at Piney?  Guess where the $22k that paid for them came from?  Bull City Open's 1, 2, and 3!

We still need outer sidewalks, seating, windscreens, shade, etc at Piney.  DPR has future "phase 2" plans for these courts, but we players can help ourselves by pitching in now.  

For example, we'd all be happier with stepping stones or sidewalks connecting the outside gates. This is the kind of thing we can make happen sooner rather than later if we raise the funds.  We currently have around $5k on hand from last year's GoFundMe, but we definitely need more $$ to do everything folks want.

What's the tournament like?
Very Friendly! Competitive! But extremely friendly! 
A $50 one-time entry lets you sign up for all the brackets you care to play.
Brackets run from novice (2.5) to advanced (4.5).
If you don't know your rating, you're a 2.5. It's that easy.
If you're new to tournaments or to pickleball, don't be shy, you are very welcome and we'll make sure you have fun.  Seriously.  Tourneys are a blast, and if you fear otherwise, sign up anyway and I'll give you a hug to make it easier.
If you're a 4.5, well, you already know what you're doing, just come on out and entertain us.

All brackets are round robin, so you're guaranteed a bunch of games.  No "2 and out" for anyone, you'll very much get your money's worth.
The🏅's are super awesome.  I know because I just ordered them.  You could win one!
Everyone gets a towel and they are the best ever. Seriously, just look!

You'll love playing, and we'll miss you if you don't come.  Read more details, or just cave and register now.

2) Seeking Sponsors for the Piney Inaugural Bull City Open
We're seeking Silver, Gold, T-Shirt, and Presenting sponsors for the tournament.  This is your chance to show the pickleball community that your business cares...and maybe earn some extra business for yourself.

At the very least, sponsorship earns good karma.  Help us out and we'll put your name on something and say nice things about you.

3) Soon to be seeking volunteers to help with Piney Inaugural Bull City Open
We'll need a bunch of volunteers to help with the Bull City Open.  We're not ready to sign you up yet, but for now please set aside a block of time on March 1st, 2nd or 3rd.  I'll be back in your inbox with a signup sheet soon.

Remember the towel?  
If you don't get one for playing, we'll hook you for volunteering.  How nice is that?

4) Piney Wood Grand Opening Celebration
Join us at Piney Wood this coming Saturday Jan 20 at 1pm for the Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting Celebration!  Pickleball! Snacks! Swag! Extremely brief speeches! It'll be great.  You surely don't want to miss it! (Hint: Remember the bit about no bad weather, just bad gear. and bundle up!)

5) How to Rotate Courts at Piney Wood
DPR has posted signs about how to share courts at Piney.  This is a gentle reminder that once all courts are full and folks are waiting, you must rotate off your court when your game finishes.  If you want to play again, get in line by putting your paddle in the rack that controls the queue for the pod of courts on which you wish to play.

It has come to my attention that some folks (maybe not from around here?) have the idea that once they get on a court they can keep it forever, even if folks are waiting. 

Let me say ... no.  Just ... no. 

I hope that's clear.  

Signs are being updated to remove any confusion.  Meantime, please model this behavior for others.

6) DAPP Calendar showing local tournaments
The DAPP Calendar has once again been updated to show upcoming local and regional tournaments.  Join me in thanking the updater elf who refuses to be named.

However, before you sign up to play one of those other tourneys, I expect you'll sign up for your own 4th Annual Bull City Open.  Right? Bueller?

7) Other thanks (that I know to give)
There's another elf who maintains the Swiftnets and windscreens at Bethesda.  Notice how things keep getting mysteriously fixed over there?  I'll convey your fulsome gratitude, since this person also does not wish to be named.

Finally, if you know of others who should be thanked, or news that should be announced, please let me know.

Stay warm this week, and I'll look for you on the courts,

Sandi Metz
2024 President

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