Status of the Piney Wood Project as of May 9, 2023

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Sandi Metz

May 9, 2023, 9:06:25 AM5/9/23

To save you from reading a long email I've put everything I know on the Piney Wood Status page of the Durham Area Pickleball Players website.

I fear, however, that you cannot be trusted to actually follow those links :-) so here's a brief summary:

There's a new FAQ which details where donated money is kept, what it will be spent on, and who gets to decide (spoiler: you).

There's also an update on DAPP's ongoing advocation for Piney.  The TLDR; is that in the last week we've spoken to the Durham City Council, had email conversations with DPR officials, raised thousands of dollars via the 2023 Bull City Open, and continue to tend to the Piney GoFundMe and petition.

I hope everyone who attended the Bull City Open last weekend had a great time.  The entire community will benefit from the funds raised there, and also those raised via the Piney GoFundMe.

But seriously, I know you've only read this far because you want to know . . .

How optimistic about Piney should we be?
I am definitely optimistic that this project will get funded and move forward quickly.  Details will follow soon in an official press release from DPR.  For now, keep the faith!

What can I do right now to help Piney?
Donated money is always good, but if you want to hold off until it becomes clear what exactly it will be spent on, that's cool too.  The dust will eventually settle, and we'll know exactly what we need to pay for and what it will cost.  I will be back in your email then, begging for donations again.

But, hey, if you want to donate now, bring it on

Remember to email before donating if you want a tax deduction.  

Make a sizable donation and we'll put your name on something.  Or give you a t-shirt.  One or the other. :-)

Cheers, and I'll look for you on the court,
2023 President
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