Hi all!
Wish them luck this week!
There are CX practices happening this Wednesday, noon and 5pm. Check the
DGOCX page on Facebook for more info!
This Weeks Rides
Tuesday Night Worlds, Bread at 5:30pm
- A and B groups may form, fast paced ride
- ROUTE, North on 250, regroup at the top of Old Shalona, back 250
Wednesday Recovery, Bread at 5:30pm
- social pace ride
- ROUTE, North on 250, regroup at the top of Old Shalona, back 250
Saturday Group Ride, Durango Rec Center at 10am
- A and B groups may form, pace dependent on groups
- ROUTE, North on CR 203, North on HWY 550, regroup at Haviland Lake, regroup at Purgatory, back HWY 550/CR 203
Sunday CHP Ride, Bread @ 10am
- social pace ride
- ROUTE, North on 250, regroup at the top of Old Shalona, back CR 250