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Dirty Hands

Apr 25, 2009, 1:09:57 PM4/25/09
to Durango Critical Mass
a huge THANKS to everyone who came out last night and rode in Critical
Mass! the ride was a HUGE success! next month, everyone bring a friend
or two, and we can make this thing even bigger!

also, let's build some monster mutant bikes, get some more noise
making equipment, costumes, etc.

here's the photo from the Herald: http://durangoherald.com/sections/News/2009/04/25/Power_in_numbers/

the photographer was there right at and before 6 when few were around.
too bad he didn't stick around to see the whole thing!

maybe next time we can bring our own cameras and video cameras...

anyways, but the time i got home as night, there as already one angry
email in the durangocr...@riseup.net address. now those of you
who rode know the response from drivers was mostly positive, but not
always. some people got very pissed off. and that happens. it's okay.
what we should think about, however, is how we react to such
negativity, anger, and hostility. if we want Durango to love us, then
we need to love them. I don't agree with everything this person says,
or even most of it, but thought you all should read this for your


Subject: Congratulations
From: "Anonymous" <aspen...@together.net>
Date: Fri, April 24, 2009 9:26 pm
To: durangocr...@riseup.net

I read in today's Durango Herald your notice of a meeting at Buckley
Park at 5:45
PM. I was interested because I am a bicyclist.

A few minutes before that I was stopped in my vehicle at the traffic
light at 8th
St. and Main Avenue. When the light turned green I pulled out across
Main Ave. and
encountered a very large group of bicyclists riding north on Main,
presumably to
attend your meeting. They did not stop at the traffic light which was
now red for
them. When I said to the leader of the pack, who was now about to
crash into the
side of my vehicle, that he went through a red light, he and others
yelled "fuck
you" and continued riding through the red light, followed by all the
bicyclists, which I believe numbered at least 50, and most of whom
were not wearing
helmets. Other vehicle honked their horns in annoyance and to avert
collisions with
these bicyclists.

Your meeting notice and your myspace website says that you are a "slow
and safe bike
ride around city streets." These bicyclists were neither slow nor
safe. I assume you
are aware that bicyclists must obey the same traffic laws as motor

So, I ask what is your point? If it is to demonstrate self-righteous
congratulations, you are succeeding. If your purpose is to bring about
a more
bicycle-friendly community by demonstrating as revolutionary bad boys,
you are
succeeding on the bad-boy part, but failing on the bicycle-friendly
community part.
Not only that, you are increasing community hostility toward the
entire bicycle
community, of which I and other more rational individuals are a part.

So, I suggest the following. Be clear about your purpose--is it to
promote community
awareness and friendliness toward bicyclists, or is it to massage your
own egos? Are
you interested in being perceived as mature adults or rebellious
adolescents? If
your answers include friendliness and maturity, then I suggest you
either (1) do a
better job of educating your "critical mass" about how to better
accomplish this,
and publicly apologize to the community of Durango; or (2) give it up
and disband.
If, on the other hand, your purpose includes ego, arrogance, and
rebellion, then
make no changes in your practices, but be ready to encounter further

A Concerned Bicyclist


now, i certainly don't feel we owe anyone an apology or any shit like
that, and this person seems to be under the impression that Critical
Mass has leaders or a set purpose and agenda beyond riding the
streets, which it doesn't.

riding through red lights is fine with me but we might want to have
"corkers" who stop at intersections in front of traffic to block them
and let the mass ride through.

anyways, my main point, gleaned from this persons letter, is that we
should yell things like "we love you!" instead of "fuck you!," even if
we are getting in their way. just smile, tell them they're beautiful,
and invite them to the next ride!
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