Forming Dungeon Craft Quality Assurance Committee

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Oct 11, 2008, 1:53:59 PM10/11/08
to Dungeon Craft
This is an open call to the Dungeon Craft community.

In an effort to improve the quality and playability of Dungeon Craft,
I'm forming a committee of users who will help the developers.

Let me start by saying thank you to the developers for the wonderful
job that they have done. This committee is not intended to quality
check the actual coding that makes DC wonderful (though we always
appreciate any feedback and bug reports).

The purpose of the DC Quality Assurance Committee is to find and fix
the errors in the various databases. In both the original databases
and in my additions there are numerous unintended errors as well as
various playability issues that arise with the particular database and
it's interaction with the engine, i.e. things don't always work the
way we think they do.

The way I intend for this to work is that participating individuals
will get a chunk of a database to test out any and every way they can
think of. For example, I will send someone a text file with just the
1st level cleric spells. The person would test out each of the spells
in whatever they thought appropriate and report and/or fix any errors
that they find, whichever the person felt comfortable doing.

The committee members will be paid back with their peer's eternal
gratitude and a mention in the DC documentation.

Please post here or email me directly if you are interested.
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