Help Documentation Content

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Aug 16, 2009, 12:30:22 PM8/16/09
to Dungeon Craft
Think of this as a poll with free-form answers. :D

What content would you like to see included in the DC Help?

What content is mandatory for all users?

What doesn't belong in DC Help?

Should the Help be more like a manual or more like a F.A.Q.?

Thanks for you input, and remember if you don't let us know what you
want, you won't get it. ;)


Aug 16, 2009, 7:47:31 PM8/16/09
I would like to see basic walk throughs for each of the elements of the editor. I want examples to include the more exotic fields, as well as the obvious ones. I like a manual style better than a FAQ. I would also like a detail of what each of the files does within the main folders of the game. If I want to be able to hunt down and change/kill some odd function for the sake of my custom module, I would like a map to where it is. A general map is good enough if the files themselves are anotated, but otherwise I want to be able to count the nose hairs. That may be asking a lot, I don't really know. But it is what I want.

I would be willing to help create such a thing, assuming my kids allow me time to brain, nom nom nom. Fortunately, my eldest will be starting school this fall. I *may* find I have more time, occationally.

--- On Sun, 8/16/09, manikus <> wrote:


Aug 17, 2009, 2:22:37 PM8/17/09
I feel somewhat similar.  I'd prefer a manual style, and I'd like to see walkthroughs & explanations.



Aug 29, 2009, 1:11:37 PM8/29/09
to Dungeon Craft
Help Documentation

Thank you for the input. This does help give me a nudge in the right
direction. :)

I've noted that the 'manual' style beats out the 'F.A.Q.' style hands
down. I've also noted the desire for tutorials and for explanations of
literally everything. I'm not sure if the tutorials will make it in
initially - but they will come. I'm only one guy after all. ;)

The new Help documentation is a complete rewrite of the old, from
scratch. But never fear, for those of you who know your way around the
old (current) Help, it will remain available on the Dungeon Craft
Wiki, and most of it is there now. :D Remember, if you'd like to add
something to the Wiki, all you need to do is register with SourceForge
(free and easy).

If anyone would like to help me with writing the Help documentation,
please email or PM me (I'm cross-posting this message, so use
whichever is applicable).


Aug 29, 2009, 6:51:47 PM8/29/09
I could possibly help with the writing.  I've got an English degree, but I'm new to technical writing.



Aug 30, 2009, 9:05:21 AM8/30/09
My daughter starts school this week. Once she is in, I will see what my schedule looks like with only one child eating my brain for a while. If it looks like the boy will let me, i will be willing to throw in creatively.

I will need you to give me a structured idea of what you need written, and as far as the more technical parts, you will need to explain it to me first. But once I understand it, I would be happy to flesh out examples, ect. If you just need basic walkthroughs of the old FRUA emulation functions, I can probably handle that. Assuming the boy lets me.

--- On Sat, 8/29/09, Eric <> wrote:

> From: Eric <>
> Subject: Re: Help Documentation Content
> To: "Dungeon Craft" <>
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