Maps and Levels

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Jul 16, 2008, 12:35:32 PM7/16/08
to Dungeon Craft
Is anyone working on, or worked on in the past, Dungeon Craft versions
of cities, towns, villages from the Forgotten Realms pen and paper
game? I'm especially interested in any levels you've made (placing
walls) and if you used official resources to arrive at your layout.

If you have, let me know in this thread which cities, if you would be
willing to share the level with me and what resources/references you
used. :D

Also, if you could list the region that the city is in, that would
help me too. I know where many of the major cities are, but the little
towns, dales, villages and hamlets, I don't know so well. :D:D:D


Jul 17, 2008, 12:39:15 PM7/17/08
I never worked on any official material, although I
suppose I'd be happy to if you would like. I'm
usually a ghost on these egroups as my programing
skills are strictly self taught and my children eat my
brain. Building maps and dungeon levels however is a
no brain thing to me and years ago I had several
cities in work for my own campaigne world. That was
two computers ago, and pretty much gone now, but it is
the kind of thing I'm inclined toward.
Lately I'm just trying to get my new computer to work
properly (video driver issues), but DC works fine I
think. I had put my mind, what is left of it, toward
trying to understand the spell scripts, for both this
game and NWN, as I'm most interested not others'
published material, but for expressing my own. I'd
be most interested in knowing if someone else had a
handle on that however, as I'm not very good at it,
what with my brain is missing most of the time.

Short story, I'll volunteer to start that if you like,
as its a no brainer for me. I just need a
recommendation on what source material you like best.
I probably own it and never look at it. Someone
write me more and higher level spells please?

--- manikus <> wrote:

Friends do not have to be like us.
~The Teachings of Orlanth


Jul 17, 2008, 2:24:55 PM7/17/08
to Dungeon Craft
Mmmm, brains... :)

Wow! A volunteer! :D You made my day, Lantry. :)

I'm working on the Silver Marches, so anywhere else in the Forgotten
Realms is up for grabs. I should prioritize this statement a bit,
Top priority: Dalelands, Moonsea, Cormyr, The North, Waterdeep (b/c
it's so huge, I'm considering it as it's own region), Underdark (not
counting Undermountain at Waterdeep)
Medium priority: any of the lands surrounding the above mentioned, top
priority regions, including Undermountain at Waterdeep
Low priority: Maztica, Kara-Tur, Realmspace(?), Zakhara (Arabian)

I would like official resources to be used - modules, accessories,
etc. for either 1e or 2e. Dragon Magazine is quasi-offical, and if
there's a map in it, I'd probably accept that. :)
Computer games are not official, though I may be able to be swayed on
some of the NWN maps, but not on the old SSI maps.

Scale- this is such a hard thing to define. I would say that most
houses are 1x1, 2x1, 1x2 or 2x2 (either square or 'L' shaped), nobles
or wealthy merchants may live in something bigger, but nothing larger
than 4 cells on a side. I would say that most shops are in the 2x2 to
4x4 range, depending on what they do and if the proprietor lives
there. Government buildings and temples can be just about any size
depending on the context. Castles and keeps are probably at least 4x4.
Use whatever walls you would like, if it's something not in the
default art, just send it along with the finished level. The same
thing goes for backgrounds. (Or if they're on a website, let me know
and I'll download it.)

As for events, that's up to you. :) If there are famous or notable
places that you want to label with a text event, that would be nice.
As for events that depend on the databases, I'm still building them
for this project, but they will include everything in the current
databases plus a lot more.

And since I didn't mention it earlier, this can be for any resolution
that you want to work in. When I import the levels, the Global Data
will override the resolution for the level and it will be fine. :D

If you also wouldn't mind listing what resources you use and whatever
your current level/city is so that others can work on something else.
(I want to know the resource so that I can fill in events later.)


Jul 17, 2008, 10:33:41 PM7/17/08
Are you telling me that major cities should not be
reduced to a single main street with doors leading to
every major plot point and no where else on the map?

Anyway, I own the box set for 1st edition, and the
main book for 2nd, as well as a limited number of
random magazines. Oddly enough however my possesion
of these is almost entirely random, from curbside
discoveries, to chance encounters in used book stores
with things that were way to reasonably priced for me
to pass. My experience in forgotten realms has
pretty much been the gold box games, some other random
computer games, and some random disgruntled gaming

I will attempt to research these materials in the next
week and see if anything strikes me as a good starting
point. I guess I'm wondering how detailed you want
me to be? Every villager's flat? Watch seller's on
the corner? Or just official published locations
with extra buildings around to suggest living areas?
And are we considering time period differential?
Some major events are suggested in the various
materials and depending on before or after could
dramatically change the map, as I'm sure you know.
I will probably favor less established regions, to
allow more personal freedom to develope.

Also, I think this is the first time I noticed that
you are lacking an event that I always loved in the
old FRUA. Tavern Talk I think it was called. I
understand that it might not seem necessary in your
new program with more open ended text space in the
Tavern rumors section, but I always liked it because I
could place one Tavern Talk in a zone event and fire
it off in front of the local Tavern event and get the
same rumors all over town in one event, and still have
location specific rumors as well. Just a flavor
thing I suppose, but if there were any possibility of
working it in again, I would totally dig it.


Jul 18, 2008, 7:23:55 PM7/18/08
to Dungeon Craft
:D I've found it best to be explicit with my intentions. Most people
reading this probably would have gotten it, but a few wouldn't have,
it's for them I write so much. :D

There are lots (well, some) good maps in the boxed set and guide book.
I"ve seen maps included now and then in the magazine and I consider
those to be canon sources. :) I try to put everything named on the map
in my level map. I also try to add enough of the other buildings shown
to stay true to the spirit of the map. Stay true to the spirit of the
map? you ask. There are lots of shapes that are going to be used for
buildings and lots of spacing issues that are hard to represent in DC.
This generally means that there are far fewer building in the city
than there should be to equal the stated population. I just tell
myself they all live outside of town on farms. :) It's not only an
issue with DC maps, but most of the official maps have far less homes
and residences than would be needed to house all of the people that
are supposed to be living in the city. As for when the maps should be
from, I don't worry about it. :) I may at some point in the future,
but so far all of the cities that I've done were not effected by any
catastrophic events that might change how they look.

I hadn't noticed the missing Tavern Tales event. I had never thought
to use that trick, but it's a good one, so you can bet I'll try in the
future. :) The work-around that occurs to me is to cut and paste the
events for the region into each tavern event along with the specific
events. This might hold us over until this event gets added. (I've
just put in a bug report, as DC's mission is to offer everything that
FRUA did.)


Jul 19, 2008, 4:35:33 AM7/19/08
Yeas. The interesting thing with the Tavern Tales
also then was that you could list a couple different
ones for that zone and flag them to be contingent on
various quests. This way, you could offer several
taverns with different flavor, but once the player
completed that quest, they would get the next set of
rumors anywhere. Ultimately I never actually
finished the FRUA modules I used this in before the
computer died. But yeah, repeat copies of the same
rumors in every Tavern would work for the most part.

--- manikus <> wrote:

=== message truncated ===


Jul 19, 2008, 10:29:27 AM7/19/08
to Dungeon Craft
Now, I have thought of that use of Tavern Tales, I've just never tried
it out. :)

I put a bug report in at SourceForge so that Tarlanon will know what
we need. :D I hope this is an easy one to implement, as it is really
just a kind of text event...I'll keep my fingers crossed.


Aug 7, 2008, 10:06:00 AM8/7/08
to Dungeon Craft
For anyone interested in making some levels from maps of places in the
Forgotten Realms, I've made available a good number of maps of Sembia
and towns and cities in the region. :)

Take a look at these two links:

If folks like these and do some levels for DC, I will likely be making
more maps available in the future.

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