On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 1:39 PM, Dylan Simon <
dy...@dylex.net> wrote:
> These messages were sent while you were offline.
> 1:39 PM Dylan: So there's not really a reasonable way to do this. boehm has
> a limit on the number of root areas, and doesn't support any way to
> change/mark/unreference pointers for being collectable or not.
> 1:40 PM The only options I can come up with are maintaining a list in a
> single root area of all the pointers haskell owns, or not using boehm
> (either leveraging haskell's gc or using one with the necessary
> functionality).
Yeah, maintaining our own root list would work, but it's unclean
enough to not seem worth it. Delay stuff seems more interesting. I
filed a bug, and we can deal with GC when the time is right.
> 1:42 PM Maybe I'll do the former (at least using a Map or something), but it
> feels hacky. I'll go think about Delay instead.