On a sort of unrelated note, Infer.cache has a note about only rolling back
some of the state changes. This means finalizing things exactly when they
converge on a fixpoint, right?
Yes, that's what the rollback comment is about. The MonadPlus thing
is amusing. However, if you want to attach real error messages, it
still isn't exactly right; you want mplus but not mzero. :)
I think I'll postpone the tuple stuff until after your changes, since
your changes might also be useful for handling quotients (or maybe
not). I'll get rid of TValue in the mean time, and try to remove some
of the duplicated time inference logic from Interp.
By the way, I think I concluded that the function type related code
would look nicer if TypeFun was a single list of an Either-like type
rather than partitioned into two lists.
> On a sort of unrelated note, Infer.cache has a note about only rolling back
> some of the state changes. This means finalizing things exactly when they
> converge on a fixpoint, right?
I consolidated the spec and cons stuff into Infer already, just to get rid of
all direct calls from Interp to TypeSet, but feel free to do whatever since
I've gotten a bit carried away with these changes and probably won't commit
for a couple more hours. I'm too distractable.
A few hours (or a day) isn't a problem, so I'm happy to wait.
f = case x of
y -> case z of
w -> ...
Or, with lets:
f x = let y = case x of
z -> let
w = z in w
Effectively this does two things:
1. Disallow empty implicit contexts. Otherwise, these would often be parsed
as {}, which is (on very rare occasions) a sensible thing to want, but it
seems reasonable to say you need to explicitly write "{}" if you do.
2. Makes programs that were previously incomplete (e.g., a "case ... of"
somewhere deeply nested for which the cases had not yet been filled in)
possibly valid, and possibly in unintentional ways. It also lets you, for
example, make it impossible to get back to a certain context (even the top
level) if a nested level has taken it over.
My feeling is that 1 is completely fine, and 2 might make debugging some
things slightly more tricky, but I doubt in any important ways. If we really
don't think this is safe, I have a less powerful and more messy backup
proposal that would make both of the earlier programs valid but not this one:
f = let
x = 1
y = case x of
z -> z in y
We still aren't implementing Note 5 of the haskell rules, it seems, so this
doesn't work with the in:
f x = let y = case x of z -> z in y
But that's an orthogonal issue that will be more important for lets
Yep, I agree that {} is fine.
> 2. Makes programs that were previously incomplete (e.g., a "case ... of"
> somewhere deeply nested for which the cases had not yet been filled in)
> possibly valid, and possibly in unintentional ways. It also lets you, for
> example, make it impossible to get back to a certain context (even the top
> level) if a nested level has taken it over.
I think this does make it too easy to take over the toplevel context,
which would result in weird error messages. It essentially makes
layout strongly nonlocal.
> My feeling is that 1 is completely fine, and 2 might make debugging some
> things slightly more tricky, but I doubt in any important ways. If we really
> don't think this is safe, I have a less powerful and more messy backup
> proposal that would make both of the earlier programs valid but not this one:
> f = let
> x = 1
> y = case x of
> z -> z in y
Can you describe the messy one? The first option that comes to mind
is "nested contexts must be more indented than their parents unless
the parent started on the previous line."
> We still aren't implementing Note 5 of the haskell rules, it seems, so this
> doesn't work with the in:
> f x = let y = case x of z -> z in y
> But that's an orthogonal issue that will be more important for lets
> themselves.
Yeah, that's why I didn't implement it; I realized it was important
only for lets. It's trivial to add to the parser (just allow "error"
in place of '}'), but I'm not sure if it requires a change the layout
pass itself.
We could explicitly disallow replacing a column-1 context. Though, I think:
main = do
seems potentially useful, even.
> Can you describe the messy one? The first option that comes to mind
> is "nested contexts must be more indented than their parents unless
> the parent started on the previous line."
Yeah, that's basically it. It comes down to this: Implicit is amended and the
"top" function is changed so that, if the top Implicit context has never been
used to insert a ';', then it is skipped and recurses to the next down context
to determine the "top" column. So, if the outermost context is implicit,
you'd never be able to take it over (except in the first line).
> > We still aren't implementing Note 5 of the haskell rules, it seems, so this
> > doesn't work with the in:
> >
> > ?f x = let y = case x of z -> z in y
> >
> > But that's an orthogonal issue that will be more important for lets
> > themselves.
> Yeah, that's why I didn't implement it; I realized it was important
> only for lets. It's trivial to add to the parser (just allow "error"
> in place of '}'), but I'm not sure if it requires a change the layout
> pass itself.
I don't completely get this. Every rule including '{' '}' needs to be
changed? It is still useful with what we have now, in my code above for
By the way, my most recent commit adds more functions in base.duck and tests
in base-test.duck. Some of the lines are commented out, as they seem to
expose as many as four separate bugs (at least one of which is mine), but I
probably won't have time to look at them until later today:
test_list3 = assert \ [3,1] < [3,2]
reverse :: List a -> List a
reverse l = fold (flip (:)) [] l
succ x = x + 1
range x y = if x > y then [] else x : range (succ x) y
test_list5 = assert \ range 1 3 == reverse [3,2,1]
I think treating column 1 specially is bad. If we think that main
thing is useful, an alternative would be to allow implicit ';' within
explicit '{ }'.
>> Can you describe the messy one? The first option that comes to mind
>> is "nested contexts must be more indented than their parents unless
>> the parent started on the previous line."
> Yeah, that's basically it. It comes down to this: Implicit is amended and the
> "top" function is changed so that, if the top Implicit context has never been
> used to insert a ';', then it is skipped and recurses to the next down context
> to determine the "top" column. So, if the outermost context is implicit,
> you'd never be able to take it over (except in the first line).
That sounds good.
>> > We still aren't implementing Note 5 of the haskell rules, it seems, so this
>> > doesn't work with the in:
>> >
>> > ?f x = let y = case x of z -> z in y
>> >
>> > But that's an orthogonal issue that will be more important for lets
>> > themselves.
>> Yeah, that's why I didn't implement it; I realized it was important
>> only for lets. It's trivial to add to the parser (just allow "error"
>> in place of '}'), but I'm not sure if it requires a change the layout
>> pass itself.
> I don't completely get this. Every rule including '{' '}' needs to be
> changed? It is still useful with what we have now, in my code above for
> example.
Yes, every occurrence of '}' has to be changed, but that isn't difficult:
> By the way, my most recent commit adds more functions in base.duck and tests
> in base-test.duck. Some of the lines are commented out, as they seem to
> expose as many as four separate bugs (at least one of which is mine), but I
> probably won't have time to look at them until later today:
> test_list3 = assert \ [3,1] < [3,2]
> reverse :: List a -> List a
> reverse l = fold (flip (:)) [] l
> succ x = x + 1
> range x y = if x > y then [] else x : range (succ x) y
> test_list5 = assert \ range 1 3 == reverse [3,2,1]
I'm looking at them now. The first thing I have to do is fix
typeMismatch to be more specific, since one of them says
type mismatch: 'Int' vs 'Void'
I think I'll go with
type mismatch: 'a' != 'b'
type mismatch: 'a' union 'b'
type mismatch: 'a' intersect 'b'
until we find something better.