Looking good for tomorrow?

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Stephen Cunningham

Jan 28, 2010, 2:17:16 PM1/28/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
Hows it going,
Just wondering how the planning has been going for tomorrow's ride - I havent seen a single website posting, facebook update, flyer on a bike, poster on a wall, or announcement in any media about it. Will it be as good as November's ride?

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john power

Jan 28, 2010, 3:02:29 PM1/28/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
Hi Stephen I have not seen  anything myself apart from the Flurry of Emails from last Week. I hope a lot of People can turn up this time. Unfortunately I could not  Print any Leaflets as I had no Ink for the Printer and I meant to get Refills. Laura I think it was said she was trying to Print them,I certainly will turn up for it no  matter what the Weather.

The first CM ride was terrific with over 30 People turning up and the Buzz was great.The second was terrific as well but  only 15 - 20 made it. So I hope the Numbers will increase accordingly as the Weather improves.

I would like to see People giving Feedback saying they will turn up . I hope things will be better Organised for future CM'S and Advertise the Event well in advance and  perhaps have some Music maybe a Boom Box Radio playing Bicycle Songs Whistles and  Air Horns etc.

See you all on the Critical Mass tomorrow same time same Place 29/1/ 2010 at 5.45 for the start at 6.00pm Memorial Arch Saint Stephens Green.


Jan 28, 2010, 3:28:35 PM1/28/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
Hey all,

I also got a couple of email this evening asking if the mass was going
ahead. Some people said to keep it going through the winter, some people
said not to. So to all the people going tomorrow, I hope its fun. I cant
because my bike is being repaired at the moment, sad =(

I wanted to see the weather improved a bit before the CM got back in full
swing. I'll definitely be around and helping organise/advertise the CM in
February. So until then, have fun cycling (I can't)



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john power

Jan 28, 2010, 4:13:30 PM1/28/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
Hi all ,I put it up on my Bike Blog tonight,I dont know what the Response will be  it is mostly People from overseas who look at it.     http//www.levieenvelo.blogspot.com.

I will be going anyway JP.

Stephen Cunningham

Jan 29, 2010, 10:07:07 AM1/29/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com

 Actually you losers, I was wondering if it was going to be as good as November's ride, where one person showed up for half an hour waiting for all you dedicated activists to show up. You lot obviously couldnt organise a tea party in China. I expect the usual dumb apoplectic reply from twinty wadical Conor M soon enough. If you were going to call it for all the winter back in September then you should have had the balls to see it through. But you got bored, even though the weather was fine for November (and January) and gave up. We all saw it coming.

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Jan 29, 2010, 10:11:49 AM1/29/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
whats worse, being a 'loser' or a hater? big internet tuff talk, serious business! haha

holly loftus

Jan 29, 2010, 10:16:10 AM1/29/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
can someone take stephen_c...@hotmail.co.uk off the list

this is not a forum for that kind off dialoge.

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 3:07 PM, Stephen Cunningham <stephen_c...@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

holly loftus

Jan 29, 2010, 10:31:26 AM1/29/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
I expect people to display a basic level of civility and respect towards one another and propose that as something of an aim for the mass. That to partake you are expected to be content in joining us in challenging ourselves to make the mass reflect ideals of non-hierarchy, mutual support and respect.

anti-stephen cunninghams attitude,


Amanda Webb

Jan 29, 2010, 11:48:36 AM1/29/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
I'm not going to be able to make it tonight due to the fact I have to
travel from Kildare and just can't get there tonight. Holly I agree
that we don't need to have big arguments here but it would be simply
better to ignore such posts rather than be reactionary.

Stephen may have put his point across in a bad way but he does have a
point don't you think? If we're going to do this, lets do it

If anyone knows of a bike blog, forum, group or even a non bike
related group that may want to help promote our cause let me know. I
can't distribute leaflets in Dublin but can help with the online
campaign. However I am reluctant to promote something that isn't
going to happen or that has lost it's mojo.

I asked for details of the announcements list yet no one passed them on to me...


holly loftus

Jan 29, 2010, 12:38:05 PM1/29/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
i would be more inclined to think that Stephen's point is lost in what appears as an incapability to self organise, or recognise the organisation that is put in. If someone wants to see something better organised, don't wait for someone else to do it. Constructive criticisms i welcome, not that bullpoop.



Jan 29, 2010, 12:51:18 PM1/29/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com

Someone that wont do something themselves, but criticize everyone else...
would never expect that over the internet.

I'm also up for constructive criticism, not abuse.

Like I said ages ago, I thought having the mass during the winter season
wasn't the greatest idea and I'm looking forward to celebrating cycling
from February on. If ''Stephan'' wants to get involved, he should. Put I
have a funny feeling he couldn't care less about organizing a critical
mass, anyone can do whatever they want to advertise the event and make it
success, he didn't do that.

john power

Jan 29, 2010, 2:49:01 PM1/29/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
I turned up tonight for it and there was another Chap on a Dublin Vélib Bike. Very disappointed no one else showed up. Waited until 6.00pm then left had a look  at the Shops then took a spin up to Rathmines to a Bike Shop then went Home to Killester. It was a Grand Night nice and Crisp a bit Cold at first but then warmed up as I Cycled. I thought there might be Rain so I put on my Pull ups they were handy against the Cold.

It is no use me supporting this if no body turns up for it ,saying it is on and there is no one there is just not good enough. If you wanted to pospone it for the  Winter then it should have been said at those meetings instead of Iffing and Butting about it. The Weather was not bad it could have been held. Unless I get a firm Committment in Future I just am not going to bother about it.JP.
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