February Mass

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Conor. M

Feb 1, 2010, 7:19:10 AM2/1/10
to Dublin Critical Mass
Hey all,

I got some good news for the February mass. Heres a reply (2 replies)
I got from Barra about the documentary -


Hey Conor,

Documentary is finished (sound mix left). Yes we can screen in after
CM in
February. It's called "One Less Car" (duration
47mins). We could can advertise the screening if you want. Do you need
a flyer made for CM and screening afterwards. I can make one this
week. Its not released until March 6th, first screening of it,




Hi Conor,

Trying to get dublin city council to launch the series. Conflict with
screening it before the 2nd march. I will come up with a solution
today so
we can screen the documentary after critical mass in February. Just
call it
"an on the street view of cycling", pirate screening or something



So I was thinking, after the mass in February, we can go to Seomra
Spraoi (cinema room provided) and maybe have one or two people there
making food for after the mass. If we put the effort in, we could have
the cinema room decorated with wheels on the wall or something? Then
we can relax and watch the documentary : )

And, we can have all of this on the flyers!


Matthew Byrne

Feb 21, 2010, 4:11:17 PM2/21/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

What's the story with CM this month?


Matthew Byrne


Feb 23, 2010, 6:26:28 AM2/23/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com

Im glad you emailed, I can not access the googlegroup acc or send emails
for some reason. The mass is going ahead and people have been putting
flyers out, Ill be putting loads more out today and tomorrow too. Its all

I wont be there though, I am going to Holland (surprise trip).

But Ill be there for the March mass. Im really sad I cant go :(


Chris Costello

Mar 6, 2010, 1:01:47 PM3/6/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
What happened last week? Was there a decent turnout?

Lara posted loads of fliers, and the documentary should have been an incentive too - did it go ahead?


Mar 6, 2010, 1:38:13 PM3/6/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
Other people including myself also spent some a lot of time putting out
flyers. I think the turnout was in its 20s (I wasn't in the country).

The doc didn't go ahead, there are major problems with the cm mailing
list. Many people can not get access to it for some reason and I can only
get access to it when I reply to emails.


john power

Mar 6, 2010, 2:18:20 PM3/6/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
Hi Conor. The C M went off very well,I counted 25 - 30. I would have liked there to be more but it  is  early Days. There was a Chap from the Northern Ireland Cycling Initiative who Turned up he was very Nice  to Talk to. They had the same sort  of Numbers as ourselves on the Belfast C Mass. We had a bit of trouble with a Taxi Man in O'Connell Street ,no surprise. He got annoyed that  his  progress was impeded and Lunged forward ,then got into an argument with some of the Massers. A Chap took Umbridge about being Threatened and the Taxi Man Alleged that he Spit  at Him.There was another  Kerfufle on Parnell Square when the same Taxi Man Lunged forward with his Taxi ,more Arguments and the Massers gathered around him. Eventually  someone took the Taxi Mans Reg and we moved off again back  to O'Connell Street. We Ended up in the Exchange in Temple Bar and were able to put  our Bikes  inside and we had a Cup of Tea and a Talk and also looked at Critical Masses on there Computers of  Belfast. It went  off very well . Do you know that the Dublin Community TV Crowd are showing those Documentarys Tonight. Have to go as it  is on  around 7.pm. They have a Facebook Site and  it  is  also Posted on the Dublin Cycling Campaign Site. JP.

Chris Costello

Mar 6, 2010, 3:13:32 PM3/6/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
25-30? That sounds like a good gang!

Is there always that kind of aggro? That's kind of disappointing, I'm not surprised it was a taxi driver though.

CM Dublin should have a Facebook group too - photos could be posted and the event promoted (in addition to the flyers).


Mar 6, 2010, 3:45:32 PM3/6/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
Aggro, : (

There has never been aggro like that before.

Yeah, good crowd - looking forward to the next one!

>> is also Posted on the Dublin Cycling Campaign Site. JP.[?]

john power

Mar 6, 2010, 4:05:58 PM3/6/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
In Relation to the Contretemp with the  Taxi Man,everyone is an individual meaning we all handle  things differently. The Person concerned could have let the  Taxi Man go off instead of continuing the argument with him. I dont know whether he spit at him or not but things got very Heated and Taxi Man jumped out of Car and ran after Cyclist. There is a big problem with Taxi's in General they are always Bulling their way around, on the other C Mass there was  a slight  argument with a  Taxi as well.JP

Hamper lady

Mar 6, 2010, 7:20:24 PM3/6/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com

Olivia Griffin

Mar 7, 2010, 5:53:48 PM3/7/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
For those who don't already know about the cycle see below and/or the website www.merthyrtomayo.org)

A few of the people who have been very involved in the planning of the cycle so far will be arriving in Dublin on Friday the 19th of march. This could be a very good opportunity to have a meeting(s) either in Dublin or Galway if there is enough interest for it? Anything which came of this meeting could then be fed back into the next organising meeting taking place on Sunday March 28th in Bristol, which people are also welcome to attend.

If you are interested in coming to a meeting in Dublin/Galway on the weekend of 19/20th please respond to smart...@gmail.com and tonadv...@googlemail.com asap.

If you are interested in getting involved please mail us at merthy...@aktivix.org.
You can visit the website for more information. www.merthyrtomayo.org

The Solidarity cycle, which will start in Merthyr, Wales on Friday May 21st and arrive in Rossport, Mayo on Friday June 4th for the start of the Rossport Solidarity Camp June gathering, is being organised by supporters of the campaign against open cast coal mining in Merthyr, the campaign against the corrib gas project in Mayo and the bicycology group in the UK. So far most of the organising is being done by the UK group, but it is hoped that a lot more people from Ireland will get involved in organising, supporting and taking part in the cycle.

It aims to link the two communities in their struggle for justice and safety from the corporations who seek to profit from the explotation of the natural resources in their area. It also hopes to link with other communities along it´s route and raise awareness of the issues effecting us all.

There will be a varity of events, screenings, workshops and talks taking place along the route.

The planned route so far includes: Merthyr, Cork/Macroon, Killarney, Tralee, Kilrush, Lahinch,Gort,Galway, Castlerea, Ballina, Glengad/Rossport.

If you are interested in getting involved please mail us at merthy...@aktivix.org or visit the website for more information. www.merthyrtomayo.org



Mar 9, 2010, 5:44:07 AM3/9/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com

Are we going to stick with the same time for the mass in March?

Its nice to see the evenings getting a little longer!


Hamper lady

Mar 9, 2010, 6:14:46 AM3/9/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
I think we should. Just so people know when and where it is every
month without having to consult the list etc. Am I right in thinking
the next one is on Friday 26th? Is it 6pm or quater to?

I'll post it up on Facebook as soon as you confirm.


Mar 9, 2010, 8:28:43 AM3/9/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
Yeah, thats the 26th.

Same as last time I suppose, assemble @ 17:45, start the cycle @ 18:00


Hamper lady

Mar 9, 2010, 8:53:49 AM3/9/10
to dublin-cri...@googlegroups.com
All done. Link to Facebook Event:

Invite anyone you think might be interested.

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