18PA Version 4 Comments

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Tom McCorry

Sep 8, 2012, 11:48:01 AM9/8/12
to dtg-...@googlegroups.com




   A few small items to note on the prototype kit:


1)      I see the color of the Pennsylvania Railroad has changed from Bright Red to a Reddish-Brown so as not to conflict with the New York, New Haven, and Hartford. Those changes appear on the stock market and the certs. It did not change on the charter.


2)      We still believe it is more intuitive to say Y/G x3 for tile lays by the land grant company then YYY/GGG.


3)      The back printing error of sheet 5 I already noted.


4)      The token sheet has not been updated to add the NY,NH&H or the Boston and Albany.



David Hecht

Sep 8, 2012, 3:45:44 PM9/8/12
to dtg-...@googlegroups.com
Indeed, Tom, correct on all counts. This is an interim revision, pending a component refresh from our mutual friend, brother John. I don't consider the things you note to be errors so much as things I'm too lazy to do (except for not updating the PRR charter: that one's a legit screwup on my part).

I did not find the page five issue to be as problematic as you did. But I will see what I can do.

I am still pondering the visual on the LGC build allowance.

I'll try to do a refresh on the refresh soon.
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David Hecht

Sep 8, 2012, 4:13:04 PM9/8/12
to dtg-...@googlegroups.com
I've updated the certs and charters. For the tokens, you are on your own until I get a fresh set from John. If you really, really want to use the correct heralds, just print out another pair of copies of the charters and cut them out from there.

On 9/8/2012 11:48 AM, Tom McCorry wrote:

Tom McCorry

Sep 8, 2012, 5:55:12 PM9/8/12
to dtg-...@googlegroups.com

Updates look good. I was able to make tokens so I am good for now.

Question – Should there be two EWR/BOS tiles or only 1? (Guessing 2)

Were there any other tile changes (types/qty)?


Tom McCorry

David Hecht

Sep 8, 2012, 7:15:29 PM9/8/12
to dtg-...@googlegroups.com
Yes, two...one of each for, err, EWR and BOS! :-)

You will also need a few extra city tiles: 3 x #57 (straight yellow, value $20), 3 x #15 (green k-tile, value $30), and an extra green left and right fork (#82 and #83)--though, as before, you need to let me know if there are any notable deficits of green tiles.

Also, regular (non-Y, non-special) cities no longer upgrade past green, so you can remove the three #63 brown omni city tiles.

Tom McCorry

Sep 9, 2012, 9:27:41 AM9/9/12
to dtg-...@googlegroups.com



Rules Comments:


·         Page 8, “Track Placement Step”, Para 3: The impassable hexside is listed as Dark Green in the rules but is Dark Blue on the map.

·         Page 9, “Token Placement Step”, Para 2: The wording is unclear. Is the first station token $40 and the others $100? Or is the first station token $40 while still a 5-share company but becomes $100 if not placed until after the company becomes a 10-share company? I believe it is the former but the wording raises doubt.

·         Page 11, “Debt”, Para 1:

o   For clarity for newer players, suggest changing “In lieu of selling stock,” to “In lieu of selling stock for Emergency money raising,”.

o   As written, I can borrow money to buy a train and as long as I pay it back before the start of the next stock round without incurring interest since you don’t state that the loan can only be repaid during a stock round. I believe your intention is that loans always incur a minimum 50% interest surcharge and that an additional 50% is charged for the remaining balance carried over each stock round. If so, then adding that loans can only be repaid during a stock round will fix the ambiguity.

o   Suggest changing “at the beginning of the stock round: the president must clear” to “at the beginning of the stock round. The president must clear” This are really two separate statements. Joining them implies there is some direct connections between the two that doesn’t exist.


Map Comments:

·         In Scranton, should there be a ‘4’ like the token for the Delaware & Hudson or should the token have the Delaware and Hudson Herald on it?

·         Suggest you move the SR/OR display down slightly and add a table showing the token bonus: Yellow:+0, Green:+10, Brown:+20, Grey:+30. Having it on the map will go a long way to reminding people. Placing it near NYC will maximize its visibility to players since a lot of action occurs in the part of the map.

·         The EWR tile has a $40 cost to go from Green to Brown. Should BOS have this same cost?

David Hecht

Sep 9, 2012, 12:11:06 PM9/9/12
to dtg-...@googlegroups.com
Tom: thanx again for the comments. See below for responses. Let me know if these changes work for you before I put up another ruleset.

On 9/9/2012 9:27 AM, Tom McCorry wrote:



Rules Comments:


·         Page 8, “Track Placement Step”, Para 3: The impassable hexside is listed as Dark Green in the rules but is Dark Blue on the map.


·         Page 9, “Token Placement Step”, Para 2: The wording is unclear. Is the first station token $40 and the others $100? Or is the first station token $40 while still a 5-share company but becomes $100 if not placed until after the company becomes a 10-share company? I believe it is the former but the wording raises doubt.

I've changed the offending graf to read as follows: "Placing the company’s single additional station token with which the company starts as a 5-share company costs $40. Placing the additional station tokens the company receives after converting to a 10-share company costs $100 per station token. " Let me know if you think this is sufficient.

·         Page 11, “Debt”, Para 1:

o   For clarity for newer players, suggest changing “In lieu of selling stock,” to “In lieu of selling stock for Emergency money raising,”.

o   As written, I can borrow money to buy a train and as long as I pay it back before the start of the next stock round without incurring interest since you don’t state that the loan can only be repaid during a stock round. I believe your intention is that loans always incur a minimum 50% interest surcharge and that an additional 50% is charged for the remaining balance carried over each stock round. If so, then adding that loans can only be repaid during a stock round will fix the ambiguity.

o   Suggest changing “at the beginning of the stock round: the president must clear” to “at the beginning of the stock round. The president must clear” This are really two separate statements. Joining them implies there is some direct connections between the two that doesn’t exist.

I've substantially rewritten the graf, taking cognizance of all your thoughts. Here is the revised Debt graf, subject to further comments by you (and anyone else for that matter). Note that the actual mechanics have been changed to impose an immediate 50% interest surcharge and then an additional 50% surcharge on any undischarged balance at the END of the SR:

"In lieu of selling stock for an emergency money raising, the player may borrow part or all of the difference from the bank: if he cannot raise the necessary amount through stock sales alone, he is compelled to do so. If a player borrows from the bank, the debt incurred is subject to an immediate 50 percent interest surcharge, and an additional 50 percent interest surcharge on the unpaid balance at the end of each stock round.
"The president must clear the unpaid balance before he is permitted to buy any stock. This includes the entire debt including any accrued interest. To do so, he may use his earnings subsequent to incurring the debt or sell stock.

"The president has the option of carrying over part or all of his debt: however, the unpaid balance is subject to an additional 50 percent interest surcharge at the end of the stock round.

"If a player has outstanding debt when the game ends, the unpaid balance is subject to a final 50 percent surcharge and the total is subtracted from his net worth."


Map Comments:

·         In Scranton, should there be a ‘4’ like the token for the Delaware & Hudson or should the token have the Delaware and Hudson Herald on it?

The latter, I fancy. This is one of those issues that I want John's input on: to some degree it will revolve around whether we should number the (now two) fixed-income privates separately from the rest of them (the pre-NYC and local companies) or what. Suffice it to say that there shouldn't be too much doubt as to what's what here.

·         Suggest you move the SR/OR display down slightly and add a table showing the token bonus: Yellow:+0, Green:+10, Brown:+20, Grey:+30. Having it on the map will go a long way to reminding people. Placing it near NYC will maximize its visibility to players since a lot of action occurs in the part of the map.

Excellent suggestion.

·         The EWR tile has a $40 cost to go from Green to Brown. Should BOS have this same cost?

No...though that will embroil me in Yet Another Tile. Grrr!

I wonder how John would feel about adding a few $40 water tokens to the mix (similar to the various mountain tokens in other games)? That would make all this a lot easier.

John A. Tamplin

Sep 9, 2012, 7:07:47 PM9/9/12
to dtg-...@googlegroups.com
On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 12:11 PM, David Hecht <bar...@earthlink.net> wrote:

·         The EWR tile has a $40 cost to go from Green to Brown. Should BOS have this same cost?

No...though that will embroil me in Yet Another Tile. Grrr!

I wonder how John would feel about adding a few $40 water tokens to the mix (similar to the various mountain tokens in other games)? That would make all this a lot easier.

Make the game work the way you want first, and then we will figure out the components.  Of course we can't go crazy with components, but we already have something similar in 18EU. 

John A. Tamplin

David Hecht

Sep 9, 2012, 8:15:50 PM9/9/12
to dtg-...@googlegroups.com
That part works just fine, and it would certainly make the tiles less cluttery, as one wouldn't have to print the $40 water legend on them.

OC then the danger is that people will forget to put the marker on the upgraded tiles...

Walt Collins

Oct 18, 2012, 6:20:11 AM10/18/12
to dtg-...@googlegroups.com
I definitely concur about Tom's Y/G x3 suggestion.  The current YYY/GGG designation implies that if you lay one Green then you must only lay Green tiles that OR.  Y/G x3 states more clearly that the choice is per build.


David Hecht

Oct 18, 2012, 7:40:07 AM10/18/12
to dtg-...@googlegroups.com
Understood. What's odd is that I used this exact graphic in 18West and nobody made the same comment. Go figure, huh?
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