Moving an existing collection to a new sub-community

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Yuji Tosaka

Jan 26, 2017, 12:26:33 PM1/26/17
I would like to move an existing DSpace collection to be a part of a newly created sub-community but am not sure how to do this. We use 6.0 (xmlui) for our pilot IR that will be soft-launched soon. I would appreciate it if anyone could point me to how this can be done. Thank you in advance.

Yuji Tosaka
Cataloging/Metadata Librarian
The College of New Jersey
P.O. Box 7718 Ewing, NJ 08628-0718

Terry Brady

Jan 26, 2017, 12:38:34 PM1/26/17
to Yuji Tosaka, DSpace Community
See the following discussion thread:

The thread is a bit dated, but is shows that this function is not supported in either the UI or the command line tools.

Here is some code that I run to perform this operation.  You need to force the discovery index and the OAI index to be aware of the changes after you perform a move.

Fortunately, since you are running DSpace 6, you can trigger the re-index of a specific community/collection from the command line.

usage: org.dspace.discovery.IndexClient [-cbhf] | [-r <handle>] | [-i
                                        <handle>] or nothing to
                                        update/clean an existing index.
 -b                             (re)build index, wiping out current one if
                                it exists
 -c                             clean existing index removing any
                                documents that no longer exist in the db
 -f                             if updating existing index, force each
                                handle to be reindexed even if uptodate
 -h                             print this help message
 -i <handle to add or update>   add or update an Item, Collection or
                                Community based on its handle
 -o                             optimize search core
 -r <handle to remove>          remove an Item, Collection or Community
                                from index based on its handle
 -s                             Rebuild the spellchecker, can be combined
                                with -b and -f.

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Terry Brady
Applications Programmer Analyst
Georgetown University Library Information Technology
425-298-5498 (Seattle, WA)
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