CLI cmd load_track_color not working

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William McCuddy

Mar 23, 2024, 1:33:25 PMMar 23
to DSI Studio
Hi Frank, 

Unless I'm missing somthing, I may have found another error with the load_track_color command. 

Here is the full command line I'm using:
dsi_studio.exe --action=vis --source="C:\NeuroimagingTools\Data\dti_temp\DTI_r1.4mm_iso.nii.gz.src.gz.gqi.1.25.fib.gz" --stay_open=1 --tract="%tractFiles%" --cmd="load_track_color,"%trackColor%"" > log.txt

It opens and loads the tracts but not the color. The colors are saved to a text file and open and load the colors appropriately when using the GUI. 

Output from console is below. I've confirmed the path is correct. Sorry if I'm missing something obvious. 

Thanks again for your help troubleshooting these issues!!


[1;34mDSI Studio version: Chen"陳" Mar 19 2024 [0m
├─CUDA Driver Version: 12040 CUDA Run Time Version: 12020
│ │ device count: 2
│ │ device number: 0
│ │ arch: 86
│ │ device name: NVIDIA RTX A4500
│ │ memory clock rate (KHz): 8001000
│ │ memory bus width (bits): 320
│ │ peak memory bandwidth (GB/s): 640.08
│ │ device number: 1
│ │ arch: 86
│ │ device name: NVIDIA RTX A4500
│ │ memory clock rate (KHz): 8001000
│ │ memory bus width (bits): 320
│ │ peak memory bandwidth (GB/s): 640.08
| [0;33mDSI Studio version [0m: Chen"陳" CPU/GPU computation enabled
| [0;32maction [0m=vis
| Starting GUI-based command line interface.
| [0;32msource [0m=C:\NeuroimagingTools\Data\dti_temp\DTI_r1.4mm_iso.nii.gz.src.gz.gqi.1.25.fib.gz
| [0;32mloop [0m=C:\NeuroimagingTools\Data\dti_temp\DTI_r1.4mm_iso.nii.gz.src.gz.gqi.1.25.fib.gz
|- [1;34mrun vis [0m
| | loading C:\NeuroimagingTools\Data\dti_temp\DTI_r1.4mm_iso.nii.gz.src.gz.gqi.1.25.fib.gz...
| |- [1;34mopen FIB file DTI_r1.4mm_iso.nii.gz.src.gz.gqi.1.25.fib.gz [0m
| | | loading fiber and image data
| | |- [1;34mloading image volumes [0m
| | | |_46 ms
| | | initiating data
| | | default template set to young adult
| | | FIB file loaded
| | |_315 ms
| | starting gui
| |- [1;34minitializing tracking GUI [0m
| | | initiate image/slices
| | | create GUI objects
| | | recall previous settings
| | | initialize slices
| | | prepare template and atlases
| | | connect signal and slots
| | | begin visualization
| | | GUI initialization complete
| | |_123 ms
| |- [1;34minitializing OpenGL [0m
| | | openGL information
| | | [0;33mversion [0m: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 551.61
| | | [0;33mvendor [0m: NVIDIA Corporation
| | | [0;33mrenderer [0m: NVIDIA RTX A4500/PCIe/SSE2
| | |_0 ms
| | [0;32mtract [0m=C:\NeuroimagingTools\Data\dti_temp\tracks\ArcuateFasciculusL.trk,C:\NeuroimagingTools\Data\dti_temp\tracks\OpticRadiationL.trk
| |- [1;34mload tracts [0m
| | |- [1;34mloading ArcuateFasciculusL.trk [0m
| | | |_69 ms
| | | [0;33mthreshold [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mdefault_otsu [0m: 0.6
| | | [0;33mcull_cos_angle [0m: 1
| | | [0;33mstep_size [0m: 0
| | | [0;33msmooth_fraction [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mmin_length [0m: 20.9244
| | | [0;33mmax_length [0m: 159.868
| | | [0;33mtermination_count [0m: 216588
| | | [0;33mmax_seed_count [0m: 1082940000
| | | [0;33mstop_by_tract [0m: 1
| | | [0;33mreserved0(center_seed DEPRECATED) [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mcheck_ending [0m: 1
| | | [0;33mreserved5(interpolation_strategy DEPRECATED) [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mtracking_method [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mreserved6(random_seed DEPRECATED) [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mtip_iteration [0m: 32
| | | [0;33mdt_threshold [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mrandom_seed [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mreserved3 [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mreserved4 [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mhost space (native) [0m:
| | | -1.40625 0 0 268.594
| | | 0 -1.40625 0 268.594
| | | 0 0 1.40625 0
| | | 0 0 0 1
| | | [0;33mtractography space (native) [0m:
| | | -1.40625 0 0 268.594
| | | 0 -1.40625 0 268.594
| | | 0 0 1.40625 0
| | | 0 0 0 1
| | |- [1;34mloading OpticRadiationL.trk [0m
| | | |_37 ms
| | | [0;33mthreshold [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mdefault_otsu [0m: 0.6
| | | [0;33mcull_cos_angle [0m: 1
| | | [0;33mstep_size [0m: 0
| | | [0;33msmooth_fraction [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mmin_length [0m: 20.9244
| | | [0;33mmax_length [0m: 126.072
| | | [0;33mtermination_count [0m: 138040
| | | [0;33mmax_seed_count [0m: 690200000
| | | [0;33mstop_by_tract [0m: 1
| | | [0;33mreserved0(center_seed DEPRECATED) [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mcheck_ending [0m: 1
| | | [0;33mreserved5(interpolation_strategy DEPRECATED) [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mtracking_method [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mreserved6(random_seed DEPRECATED) [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mtip_iteration [0m: 32
| | | [0;33mdt_threshold [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mrandom_seed [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mreserved3 [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mreserved4 [0m: 0
| | | [0;33mhost space (native) [0m:
| | | -1.40625 0 0 268.594
| | | 0 -1.40625 0 268.594
| | | 0 0 1.40625 0
| | | 0 0 0 1
| | | [0;33mtractography space (native) [0m:
| | | -1.40625 0 0 268.594
| | | 0 -1.40625 0 268.594
| | | 0 0 1.40625 0
| | | 0 0 0 1
| | |_110 ms
| |- [1;34mrendering tracts [0m
| | |_2.487 s
| | [0;32mcmd [0m=load_track_color,C:\NeuroimagingTools\Data\dti_temp\tracks\trk_color.txt
| | run load_track_color C:\NeuroimagingTools\Data\dti_temp\tracks\trk_color.txt
| |_3.743 s
| [0;32mstay_open [0m=1

Frank Yeh

Mar 23, 2024, 3:57:14 PMMar 23
to, DSI Studio
Were the tracts shown in directional RGB color or the same color?
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Frank Yeh

Mar 25, 2024, 11:25:20 AMMar 25
to, DSI Studio
Glad it is solved!

On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 11:22 AM William McCuddy <> wrote:
> Hey Frank,
> Figured it out. Should have been load_cluster_color instead of load_tract_color.
> Thanks!
> To view this discussion on the web visit
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