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Sorry, I don't think I understood: so there are no differences between timepoints using DTI FA (i.e. in differential tractography) using either DSI or mrtrix-preprocessed data?
Also, is it feasible to estimate QA using multi-shell data? I was under the impression that QA should be estimated using grid sampling and not multi-shell. Sorry to keep bothering you, I'm just a little confused.
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Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. Thank you so much for all your help. Just one last question, do you have any references about QA being estimated with shell sampling protocols? Just so I can be more informed about this.
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Hi again,Sorry for being insistent. But I've watched the workshop video twice now, and I've used the same parameters as the ones used there. I still don't achieve the same results as you. This is what I get (using a threshold of 0.1 with QA and contrast (m1-m2)/m1, as well as 1 million seeds and I pre-process images using just DSI studio with all the recommended steps):Also, I can't seem to use the most recent version of DSI studio, as it crashes anytime I try to do the GQI reconstruction, and anytime I try to upload a slice for differential tractography.Thank you.Maria
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Also, what about getting different results from the ones you showed me here?
Why do you think that happened?
I used the default parameters and the ones from the workshop.