Bevan Rudge: Drupalgeddon; Are you ready? [feedly]

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Adam Sanchez

Jul 13, 2016, 9:55:30 AM7/13/16
to drupal-peru,

Tengan cuidado que esto es muy serio. Se trata de que dado que muchos
modulos contribuidos eran suceptibles a hackeo, publicaran una
actualizacion masiva al mediodia de hoy (hora de Lima). Una vez que
los modulos sean publicados deberan actualizar los modulos
contribuidos inmediatamente.

Lean este enlace para seguir los pasos


Bevan Rudge: Drupalgeddon; Are you ready?

The Drupal security team announced multiple highly critical updates to
Drupal contrib modules in PSA-2016-001. Expect attacks within less
than one hour from the announcement; 18 hours from the time this
article is published. This is probably going to be Drupalgeddon all
over again.

My advice

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