Drools implementation on cloud as microservices

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Ks25 Wish

Feb 1, 2024, 6:31:40 AM2/1/24
to Drools Setup

What’s the best way to deploy KJAR (v7.73) as microservices on AWS? Any article on this please? Can’t use Kogito and Quarkus because we can’t upgrade our java to v11.

Is packaging a project that’s generated using kie-server-spring-boot-starter-drools and deploying to AWS a good way to implement?

Any other better way to implement this better please? 

Another question, how to redeploy kjar with rule changes in prod kie-server microservice? Do we re package and re deploy new kie-server or just deploy kjar to existing kie-server using Swagger API?


Richard Bourner

Feb 1, 2024, 10:48:16 AM2/1/24
to Drools Setup
This is a thread for Drools set up.  Your question was addressed in the Drools usage list.

Rhett S

Feb 1, 2024, 1:28:06 PM2/1/24
to drools...@googlegroups.com
to add my lunch-time thoughts to Richard's comments. 

- re AWS? whether its GCP, Azure, or AWS, the solution would be the same. the cloud provider should not change your design. containers are containers, blobs are blobs. 
- it would be concerning to me that your environment cannot support Java 11. The modern solution is a microservice that is dedicated to rules/decisions. if your existing apps run Java 8, no matter. (but I wont press here) have your Java 8 app call the Kogito microservice through a API call. (okay, i pressed)
- there are two main approaches to loading new rules: 1) hot swapping rules: load all rules in files in S3, and have your app poll for changes. if changes are identified, load those rules in at runtime. 2) cold swap; keep all your rules in your repo, when you have rules changes, deploy through your pipeline. 3) there is a third that requires app/container orchestration & restarting containers. 

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