Hello Julien.
It is this one:
Unfortunately, here in front of the house is not enough space for a longer flight.
I'll try later on a larger area.
With enough Sats the accuracy is very good. Yesterday it was 15 Sats and HDOP of 1.16
regards Peter
I wonder if it might help if MichaelO added the ability to graph the 2nd GPS’s positions in the KMZ/KML files that the mission planner produces or when you click on the “show map” in the dataflash log viewer. I’m not totally sure if it’s necessary or if it’s only something that developers really care about and it would just add complexity and confusion for normal users.
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Hi Randy,
I think it's a good idea if we could graph information in the dataflash log viewer for both GPS Modules .
So then everyone has the opportunity two different GPS modules, or two identical modules in another location, easy to compare.
This function needs only in the advanced view available.
regards Peter
Here are two logs with the M8 and a ublox-6 module.
Once a fast flight and then a longer loiter.
With Loiter 19 Sats were obtained with a HDOP of 1.19.
In fast flight there were 18 Sats with a HDOP of 1.06
The video shows that the hexa is very good over a period of 11 min on the spot.
Compared to the flights with the ublox-6 module I am very satisfied.
regards Peter
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I am looking forward to your test results.
The delivery from csgshop.com to Germany took only 4 days.
I'm going to order a few more for my other Copters.
regards Peter
Hi Tom,
No I have not. It is much easier to adjust the few values manually.
I have:
PRT (ports) UART 1 Protocol out UBX Baudrate 38400 RATE (Rates) Measurement Period 200 ms Measurement Frequency 5 Hz NAV5 (Navigation 5) Dynamic Model Airborn 4G Fix Mode 3 - Auto 2D/3D Min SV Elevation 10 Grad DGPS Timeout 120 sec SBAS Subsystem Enabled PRN Codes EGNOS (EUROPE) 120, 124, 126, 131
regards Peter
No Problem Tom,
I am very happy with the M8. I get even in difficult situations (between trees and houses) more than 11 Sats. HDOP is between 100 and 200 cm.
With the ublox-6 I had only 6 Sats and was not as happy with the Loiter and Hybrid.
In an open area there are about 20 Sats.
Meanwhile, I have loaded all my copter with the M8, as the backup there is still a ublox-6 installed.
regards Peter
Then yes you live in a good GPS area.
With the ublox-6 I've never had more than 9 Sats in the wild.
I usually fly in an area with houses and get to 5-6 Sats.
For me, the M8 is a great help.
I have ordered one with the helix antenna. and look forward to the comparison with the patch antenna.
Believed to be the helical antenna will not be as well suited for Copter or airplanes because of stronger directivity.
Could be interesting for your Rover.
regards Peter
regards Peter
Hi Julien,
but that is a shame. The shop sents unfortunately only in a plain paper envelope.
Whether they are serious, I do not know. There is no Impressum in the shop and mails are not answered.
Another shop for the M8 I have not found it yet.
regards Peter
Hello Lukasz,
for the few values you do not need a configuration file.
You just have to change the following values:
Thank you Paul and Ben,
The difference of 5 degrees to 10 degrees in practice, be very difficult to detect.
I'm about to read the Document from Paul.
regards Peter
That's fine, Andrew.
Due to the frequent plugging the GPS units, the DF-13 connectors are on PIXHAWK gotten loose.
regards Peter
It will be hard to see a difference.
You can even try out different settings and show us the difference.
regards Peter
Ah, thank you Ben,
I had not considered that.
But we can still experiment with the Min SV Elevation Mask.
I would be glad if Andrew makes it a parameter.
That would help a lot.
regards Peter