---- snip ----
0:000> $><C:\cygwin\home\roland_mainz\tmp\drmemorystacktrace\dynamorio-a15656a0c47eb9fd941ac572d44116e24ff51665\tools\windbg-scripts\load_syms
Memory access error at ') + @$t0+5) & 0xfffff000);;$$ Check magic values to avoid executing random command w/o DynamoRIO;.if (dwo(@$t1) = b1d2ae58) {; .if (dwo(@$t1 + 4) = ca50c356) {; .if (dwo(@$t1 + 8) = 63000089) {;
.if (dwo(@$t1 + c) = 3fa898f0) {; aS /c ${/v:loadpriv} .printf "%ma", @$t1 + 2c; .block { ${loadpriv} }; ad ${/v:loadpriv}; } .else {; .echo "DynamoRIO not detected"
; }; } .else {; .echo "DynamoRIO not detected"; }; } .else {; .echo "DynamoRIO not detected"; };} .else {; .echo "DynamoRIO not detected";};'
0:000> kp
004fdee0 54618f52 dynamorio!dr_symbol_export_iterator_stop+0xe5ed
004ff9d8 0002e87a dynamorio!dynamorio_earliest_init_takeover+0x1805
(Inline) -------- drmemory!invoke_main(void)+0x1c
004ffa20 76d3d839 drmemory!__scrt_common_main_seh(void)+0xfa
004ffa30 777c254d KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x19
004ffa8c 777c2521 ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x2b
004ffa9c 00000000 ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b
---- snip ---
Does anyone have any ideas how to debug this ?