Dr. Memory fails to start. Crashes.

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Pacifica Research

Nov 7, 2023, 4:59:20 PM11/7/23
to Dr. Memory Users
I've installed both Dr. Memory and DynamoRIO as external tools in VS2022. My app won't start under Dr.M. Notepad won't start under Dr.M either. My app starts and runs under DynamoRIO, but doesn't show errors, and I don't know where its logs are.

I've tried the latest vers 1.26 and also 1.25. Both crash the same way, instantly, with my app never starting. Same when trying to run notepad.exe. I've tried all the -debug and -light switches. Made no difference. Disabled anti-virus and firewall, no difference.

This is Win10, Ver 22H2, Build 19045.3570. On the metal, not HyperV. AMD Ryzen5, 6core, 32Gb RAM, VS2022 Community.

<Application C:\Windows\SysWOW64\notepad.exe (71132).  Dr. Memory internal crash at PC 0x04d6d982.  Please report this at http://drmemory.org/issues along with the results of running '-debug -dr_debug'.  Program aborted.
0xc06d007f 0x00000000 0x04d6d982 0x04d6d982 0x02b2f18c 0x00000000
Base: 0x513b0000
Registers: eax=0x02b2f110 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000001 edx=0x00000000
esi=0x04c30000 edi=0x00000000 esp=0x02b2f110 ebp=0x02b2f168
2.6.19621-0-(Sep 23 2023 02:32:47) WinVer=105;Rel=2009;Build=19045;Edition=Enterprise
-no_dynamic_options -logdir 'C:\Users\donal\AppData\Roaming\Dr. Memory\dynamorio' -client_lib 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Dr. Memory\bin\release\drmemorylib.dll;0;-logdir `C:\Users\donal\AppData\Roaming\Dr. Memory` -symcache_dir `C:\Users\donal\AppData\Roaming\Dr. Memory\symcache` -lib_blocklist_default `C:\Windows*.d??,C:\P
0x02b2f168 0x50ed23de
0x02b2f1c0 0x50ed3b4c
0x02b2f21c 0x50e6c593
0x02b2f248 0x50eb4d37
0x02b2f27c 0x50e8cf0f
0x02b2f294 0x50e8e079
0x02b2f510 0x50e8e23e
0x02b2f530 0x73889423
0x514e55f8 0x73800000
0x73800000 0x00000003
0x00905a4d 0xf685ffff>
~~Dr.M~~ WARNING: unable to locate results file: can't open C:\Users\donal\AppData\Roaming\Dr. Memory/resfile.71132 (code=2).
Dr. Memory failed to start the target application, perhaps due to
interference from invasive security software.
Try disabling other software or running in a virtual machine.
~~Dr.M~~ WARNING: application exited with abnormal code 0xffffffff

Thank you for any help!
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