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How to build a virtual crystal model of two materials layered together

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YuLin Elias

Nov 18, 2024, 8:02:01 PM11/18/24
to dream3d-users
I want to build a crystal model of two materials, the upper part is equiaxed crystal, which is one material, such as stainless steel, and the lower part is columnar crystal, which is another material, such as nickel. I want to use EBSD data to build this model. How can I do it? This is my first time using this software, and I have no idea what to do. Please give me an example and related guidance documents.

Michael Jackson

Nov 19, 2024, 7:16:30 PM11/19/24
to YuLin Elias, dream3d-users
  1. Do you want to make synthetic microstructures and “glue” them together? 
  2. Or do you want to read in EBSD, compute statistics from that EBSD data and then use those statistics to generate a pair of synthetic microstructure.

You should start out doing #1 just to get an idea of the process. Generate 2 separate microstructures, then you can use the “Append Z Slice” to “glue” them together. I have included a sample pipeline that does #1 above. Please take a look and try to understand the pipeline.
Mike Jackson          
BlueQuartz Software
President/Owner               Dayton, Ohio
Principal DREAM.3D Developer

On Nov 18, 2024 at 20:02:01, YuLin Elias <> wrote:
I want to build a crystal model of two materials, the upper part is equiaxed crystal, which is one material, such as stainless steel, and the lower part is columnar crystal, which is another material, such as nickel. I want to use EBSD data to build this model. How can I do it? This is my first time using this software, and I have no idea what to do. Please give me an example and related guidance documents.

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Michael Jackson

Nov 20, 2024, 9:33:16 PM11/20/24
to YuLin Elias, dream3d-users
uDear YuLin Elias, 
    DREAM.3D Version 6.x does not have the capability to generate 3D from 2D statistics. I have heard of folks in the community figuring out how to do this on their own but nothing has been passed back to the community or papers written.

There is a collection of prebuilt pipelines in DREAM3D that you can use to reconstruct the Small IN100 data set all the way through to using those statistics to generate a synthetic microstructure. The shows what could be possible. 

The issue that you are going to have is that you want to build a “graded” microstructure or a microstructure where all the small grains are physically located in one section of the virtual volume. DREAM.3D version 6.x does not have this capability. The best you could probably do is to create 2 separate volumes, glue them together and then run the “Pott’s Model” filter to try and make the interface between the 2 volumes more realistic.

Modeling AM build microstructures is an active area of interest of the DREAM3D engineering team but to date we have not received enough funding to make this a reality.

Mike Jackson          
BlueQuartz Software
President/Owner               Dayton, Ohio
Principal DREAM.3D Developer

On Nov 20, 2024 at 02:26:09, YuLin Elias <> wrote:
Thank you for your reply. 
I think I am more inclined to the second situation you mentioned: read in EBSD, compute statistics from that EBSD data and then use those statistics to generate a pair of synthetic microstructure.
I want to know how to count the ebsd data containing equiaxed crystals at the bottom and columnar crystals at the top and generate virtual 3D data from them. In fact, this structure is a typical feature of metal additive manufacturing, but the columnar crystals and equiaxed crystals in the virtual model I want to build are two materials. In other words, I additively manufactured another material on one material to generate this structure.
Another question is, my EBSD is two-dimensional data. Can I generate a three-dimensional virtual model through Dream3D statistics?

Michael Jackson <> 于2024年11月20日周三 08:16写道:

YuLin Elias

Nov 26, 2024, 10:07:10 AM11/26/24
to Michael Jackson, dream3d-users
Thanks for your advice. 

Michael Jackson <> 于2024年11月21日周四 10:33写道:
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